A Sober Man (Danny)

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I felt myself regaining consciousness. Even with my eyes open, I still couldn't see. Wherever I was, it was dark.

I had a hard time recalling what happened before I fell asleep. I think Maegan took me to my house if I recall correctly.

I couldn't find my phone in my pockets, so I started searching around the bed in the dark. After a quick search, I found my phone.

It was 4:04 AM.

I used my phone light to shine around the room. I didn't recognize it at all... it surprised me.

I shined my phone on the person I realized was sleeping next to me.

Maegan. I guess she took me to her house instead of my own.

Or well, I assume it's her house. Where else would she take me besides my own?

I didn't want to just leave randomly in the night, so I just got comfortable and tried to go back to sleep.

I didn't really feel all that tired though, my mind was active and I was ready to do something. I sat up on the bed and turned on my phones flashlight, using my finger to cover it so it wasn't so bright.

I just took a quick look around the room. One thing that caught my eye was a paper that was glued to the wall. Upon closer observation, I saw that it was a paper I gave to Maegan for her birthday in our sophomore year.

So she was telling me the truth when she told me she had it on her wall.

Other than the note, there was the TV and some furniture of course. There wasn't really much else, the room was pretty clear overall.

What am I doing looking around this girls room?

I checked my pockets again and found my knife and wallet, which I decided to put on the piece of furniture next to the bed, along with my phone. I felt my keys there as well once I placed my cell phone down.

I came to remember that Natsuki and Robbie headed to his house. I hope she's doing well over there. I mean, I'm pretty sure she is. Robbie is great company.

I still found myself in disbelief as I found myself in Maegan's room. As close as we were, I had never been in her room before.

I'm sure it was nice, but at four in the morning, there isn't really much you can do in someone else's room.

Ah well, maybe I'd get to see it in the morning. For now, there wasn't really much else to do besides sleep.

I scooted a little closer to Maegan and pressed my head comfortably against the pillow.

"Goodnight Maegan," I whispered.

With her being asleep, there was no response. I went ahead and allowed myself to fall asleep next to her.

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