Odd Acquaintance

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Once it was four o'clock, I stopped watching TV and went to the guest room. As soon as I opened the door however, I heard Natsuki sniffling as she hugged a pillow. She looked to be crying...


She looked at me in surprise before quickly wiping her eyes.

"Danny? I uh... h-haven't you heard of knocking?!"

"I guess I haven't learned since the last time you told me," I said with a shrug before shaking my head. "But never mind that, why are you crying?"

I took a seat on the bed next to her and put my arm around her. I expected to her to maybe move my arm away or something, but to my surprise, she actually moved closer to me and leaned her head on me.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"I... I really don't wanna talk about it," she said after wiping a tear from her eye.

"Are you sure? Sometimes it helps to talk about what's bothering you..."

"No really, I'd rather not," she said in a slightly more assertive tone.

"Alright... would you prefer if I left you alone?"

"Ah... I'm done crying," she said while wiping her eyes again.

"Look if you need some time, it's fine."

"I'm fine, Danny."

"Okay. Well uh, I think we can start heading to Robbie's house now. Him and Maegan should be heading to his house already."


"Do you... need some time to get ready."

"No, no I'm ready."

"Alright, let's get going," I said as I patted her back.

Natsuki wiped her eyes one more time before following me out of the room. I grabbed my backpack and checked my pockets for my knife before leaving and heading to my car.

In a couple of minutes, we got to his street and I was able to see his truck parked in front of his house, confirming that he was home. I parked behind it and exited the car with Natsuki to go knock on the door. Once I did, Robbie answered it soon after.

"Hey guys," Robbie said.

"Hey Robbie," I replied.

"Hey," Natsuki said after me.

Robbie opened the door for us and allowed Natsuki and I to come in before we followed him to his room.

"Where's Maegan," I asked as I quickly glanced around the room.

"Oh she's staying after school 'cause some dude was flirting with her."

Flirting?! What?

"Ah, relax Danny," Robbie said. "She's not into him at all. She just didn't wanna be rude so she stayed for a little while, but later her moms gonna drop her off here. Then you can question her on why she's cheating on you," he ended off with a chuckle.

I guess my face showed my surprise...

"Nah it's fine," I said playing it off. "We're just friends, she can talk to whoever she wants."

"Yeah, friends. Don't worry Danny, I won't let anyone mess with her, I promise."

"It's fine, Robbie," I said with a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, alright whatever you say. So what do you guys wanna do," Robbie asked us.

"I mean, I don't know. Is there anything you wanna do, Natsuki," I asked as I turned to her.

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