A Drugged Dan (Robbie)

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"Don't worry, if they take too long, I'll give them a call," I told Natsuki as we approached my house.

"But what was wrong with him?"

"The drugs, Natsuki. They'll do all kinds of things to people. Be sure you stay away from 'em."

"I know, I'm not a child."

"Yeah, I know, but just like, you know. Stay away from them."

I parked the truck in front and opened the front door for Natsuki before going in after her. We went to my room and I sat on my bed while she sat on the air mattress.

We sat quietly and awkwardly for a couple of minute before I broke the silence.

"So how have you been," I asked.

"Hm... fine I guess."

"Ah that's good. How are you doing in school? I know it's only been three days... but still."

"It's... alright. Kinda weird but it's okay."

"You have any classes with Danny?"

"I go to all of Danny's classes."

"Wow really? What luck... I don't have any classes with him this semester. He's a pretty cool guy, right?"

"Eh, I guess."

"You like him?"


Her cheeks turned a bright red.

"Yeah see! You do!"

"No I don't!"

"Come on Natsuki, I can see it. You're quiet around him, but I can see it. I can definitely see it!"

"I don't know what you're seeing, but I don't like him!"

"Alright, alright, I'm just messing around. We cool?"

"Yeah... 'we cool.'"

She gave me a subtle smile. It was cute, just like she was.

There was suddenly a knock on the door. I left my room and went ahead and answered the door.

I found myself in shock to see our waiter from the wings and things standing outside.

"What the hell, how'd you find me?!"

"Eh, I just followed you," he said. "Come on, let me see your room."

He tried to come in, but I kept him out.

"No, what the hell! You gotta go, dude. If you don't, I'll be forced to make you leave."

"Come on, man, I mean no harm..."

"I'm gonna give you three seconds to get off my property. If you don't go back to where you came from, I'll send you to where you should be."

"Wow, you serious?"


"Please man, come on!"


"What are you gonna do?"

I was getting really frustrated with this guy. I took my knife out of my pocket and poked him in he stomach.

"Ow, shit," he said as jumped back.

"Stay the fuck away from here. Next time you come here, I'm going for your neck, you understand?"

"Yeah yeah, alright I'm sorry..."

"Just go!"

He ran to a PT cruiser that was parked behind my truck and drove away. Once he was out of sight, I closed the door and went to the restroom to wash the little bit of blood on the tip of my knife. Once it was clean, I went back to my room with Natsuki.

"Sorry about that," I told her as I came in. "Turns out the waiter from the restaurant followed us... but don't worry, I sent him on his way."

"Badam Andler?"

"Is that his name?"

"That's what he calls himself."

"Yeah, 'Badam Andler' followed us home. Fucking creep... don't worry about him though. If he comes back I'll take care of him."


"Alright well for now... let's find something to do."

I went to my closet and looked through it for a bit.

"For some reason, I assume you're the type of person who likes board games? Maybe card games?

"I don't know, I haven't played them."

"What?! Come on, you have to have played Monopoly! Or maybe Uno? Go fish? Danish?"


"Well look, I got a pack of cards. Let's play go fish that ones easy."

I went ahead and set up the cards before explaining the rules to her. She got the hang of it real quick, which was to be expected. It was an easy game after all.

She really enjoyed it too. We played game after game until it started to get late. I was thinking about calling Maegan and Dan, but Natsuki and I were having so much fine, I decided to just wait and spend the rest of the night with her.

I wonder how they're doing though. I chuckled to myself as I thought about how loopy Danny must be acting around Maegan.

"What's funny," Natsuki asked.

"Nothing, just thinking about stuff."

"Oh. Well... do you have any eights?"

"Eh... go fish."

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