Wrap up

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My mom got after me and questioned everything that had happened. I wasn't really sure what to tell her, so I just gave her some very vague responses. She didn't take too kindly to them, but I helped me get through.

Later that day, I got a call from Jared. He somehow heard about what had happened and asked me about the court date. He told me that he had money and that he would help me find some lawyers to try and keep me out of prison. I thanked him for his help and got on with the rest of my day.

Skip to two weeks later and now I'm in court... Jared helped me out by showing that I had a legitimate motive for my actions. The death of my best friend...

Maegan's parents even spoke for me, saying that the loss of a loved one make you do crazy things. Her father even said that he probably would've done the same thing had he been in my position.

Maybe not the best thing to say in court, but I'm sure people would understand due to the fact Maegan was his daughter. The things a parent would do for their child... it's indescribable.

Jared also hired some very good lawyers, and after three days, my trial ended and I was pronounced guilty... but my punishment was waived.

And that's how I got away with murder.

About a week later, I'm already going back to school. Going through everything that happened was exhausting... and the loss of Maegan and Natsuki really bummed me out. I talked Sam about it since she noticed my sudden change of personality and the disappearance of Natsuki. She's been helping me out through it, and well, let's just say we've gotten a lot closer...

Even if I ain't really myself at the moment.

Nothing really changed in my second block and well, my third block...

It's weird.

A lot of the Road Warriors won't talk to me anymore, except for Robert and Alex. I've started hanging out with Alex more since I got back to school.

I guess things have been fine, but I feel like everything that's happened has had a huge toll on who I am... I feel quieter, angrier, and just more aggressive in general. I honestly feel like it's affected my relationship with certain people.

I try not to worry about it too much though. I mean, I guess as long as I still have my friends...

Things are going... okay at best.

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