Just Another Boring School Day

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"Doesn't matter," the stranger responded.

"That's Vince," Robbie said as I took a seat next to him.

"Yeah," Vince said. "And who the hell are you?"

"Eh... doesn't matter," I replied.

"This is Danny," Robbie said as he patted me on the back.

"Danny, huh? Yeah, Maegan's told me about you," Vince said as he put his arm around Maegan.

I'll admit, I felt a little jealous... she just lightly shrugged as he did so, like she wasn't really bothered by it. Or maybe she just didn't wanna be rude.

I'm gonna go with the latter.

Well I'm gonna try to convince myself, at least.

"Really? Well she's never told me about you," I responded.

"Well you've probably heard of me already. There's no need for her to tell you about me."

"Yeah alright, whatever you say."

He just stared at me while I gave him a bored and uninterested look. It was silent for a little bit until the bell rang.

"I guess we should be heading to class," Robbie said.

"Let's get to class," Vince told Maegan, just loud enough for me to hear.


As I was gonna walk away with Natsuki and Robbie, Maegan caught our attention.

"You guys wanna walk with us," she asked.

"Huh? Yeah sure," I said.

I could tell Vince wasn't happy with Maegan's request, but I sure as hell was. I'd prefer not to leave Maegan with this guy. He just seemed kinda like...

I don't know. An asshole? Something like that.

Once we reached my classes hallway, Robbie separated from the group to go to his class while the four of us continued to our own classes. We passed by Maegan's first, where Vince gave Maegan a hug before leaving. I went ahead gave her a farewell before heading to my class, which was just two doors down.

We got into class and sat down at our regular spots. Samantha wasn't here yet, but I was pretty sure she was just late.

Something that was majorly different today was that Natsuki was actually smiling.

"You seem happy," I told her. "What's on your mind?"

"Huh? Nothing really..."

"You're all smiley. It's cute, but I'm just a little curious as to why."

"Well, last night I was talking to Robbie about some things, and I guess I'm just happy about it."

"Oh well, that's good, what were you two talking about?"

Her cheeks suddenly turned a bright red as her smile slowly faded.

"It's not really important," she said.

I'm sure she was hoping I wouldn't find out, but the look on her face explained everything.

"Ah I get it," I said with a light chuckle. "You got a thing for Robbie, don't you?"


"Come on, I can tell. You spent one night with him and then the next morning you're smiling constantly. It's kinda obvious."

"I don't have a thing for Robbie!"

"Ah come on now, calm down, I'm just messing with ya. But I am happy to see you smiling. You have a nice smile, you should smile more."

"What... really?"

"Yeah, of course. It's like, cute or something. I like it."

"Oh well, thank you."

"S'all good," I said with a thumbs up and a smile.

She just kinda looked around awkwardly, giving me the urge to do the same. Luckily, my attention was taken by the opening of our classroom door, breaking the awkward moment and revealing Samantha entering the room.

She went ahead and took a seat in front of me before greeting me.

"Hey Danny," she said.

"Hey Sam. How are you?"

"I'm doing fine, but I'm a little tired. How about you?"

"Eh, same here really. But like, if you want, I can watch over your stuff if you wanna take a nap."

"Ah it's fine, but thank you Danny. And uh... same applies to you I guess," she said with a giggle.

"Thanks Sam."

We gave each other a smile before she turned forward in her seat and proceeded to use her phone. I looked at Natsuki, who was just playing with her hands.

First block proceeded to be as boring as ever. After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang. Like I did the past few days, I offered to walk Samantha to class, to which she happily accepted.

I spotted Maegan before we headed to Samantha's class, but Vince came in out of nowhere, so I just broke my focus from them.

After I dropped of Sam at her class and gave her a hug, Natsuki and I headed to my second block.

Just like my first block, it started off boring and continued that way. Really, the most "exciting" class would be third block, since the Road Warriors hung out there. But even then, I wasn't really all that close to them, but they seemed cool to hang out with.

Once second block ended, Natsuki and I headed to my third block. Once we got in, we were greeted by Robert and the gang before being asked to take a seat with them. Once we did, they proceeded to talk to each other about cars, just like the other days.

Nothing different or special about today. Or well, there was the thing with Natsuki and Robbie, which was pretty cool. It leaves me wondering what it'll be like once we get to his house.

Once third block was over, Natsuki and I headed back to my car before making our way to Robbie's house. I realized Natsuki wasn't smiling as she was before, probably because I mentioned it.

Still, she looked noticeably happy. It actually made me happy too... creating a nice atmosphere in the car as we drove.

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