Worried Thoughts

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As the movie went on and the time passed, the three of us slowly grew tired. Once it got the the point where I could barely keep my eyes open, I went ahead and lied my head on one of the pillows.

"You feel sleepy Danny," Robbie asked.

"Yeah," I said with a yawn.

"I'm feeling kind of sleepy too," Maegan said. "What time is it?"

Robbie took his phone out of his pocket to check the time.

"It's 12:48," he said. "I'm also a little tired, I think I'm gonna head to bed."

As he said that, Robbie got off of the bed and lied himself on the air mattress next to the sleeping Natsuki.

"Weren't we supposed to sleep there," Maegan asked.

"Natsuki fell asleep there earlier," I replied. "So Robbie let us sleep on his bed."

"Oh okay. Well thanks, Robbie."

Robbie let out a very tired "mhm" before adjusting his sleeping position. Maegan and I got under the covers of Robbie's bed and got comfortable. It was nice, but I couldn't shake the feeling of goosebumps on my arms.

"It's a little cold in here, isn't it," I asked Maegan.

"Yeah, it is..."

I slowly moved closer to her and put one of my arms around her so that I was hugging her from behind. She responded by letting out a small giggle.

"Does that help," she asked me.

"Yup," I said with a nod.

She giggled a little more and moved herself a little closer to me. I went ahead and hugged her a little tighter, bringing her as close to me as possible. I couldn't help but feel... something.

It felt nice, but a part of me felt a little guilty for some reason. I couldn't tell why, but a part of me felt like letting go of Maegan. At the same time, I didn't want to. She was my best friend, and well, she liked it. And so did I.

I ignored the feeling and continued to hold Maegan close. I could feel myself slowly falling asleep as I held the short girl in my arms.

"Hey Danny," Maegan quietly said, surprising me.

"Huh? Yeah, what's up?"

"What do you think is gonna happen when Abram finds out that we didn't kill the guy?"

"Oh well, I hadn't really thought about that..."

"Like, he seems like a powerful guy. I'm afraid he might try to do something if he finds out."

"Don't worry, Maegan. I agree, Abram is a powerful guy, so that means we're probably not the only people he's sent after that James fella."

"Yeah, maybe you're right..."

"But I do understand why you might be a little worried. If something does happen though, we can handle it. Remember, we're the 'ultimate duo,'" I said with a quiet giggle. "Don't stress yourself over it too much, alright?"

"Alright... thanks Danny."

"Of course, Maegan. Now try to get some sleep... who knows what tomorrow has planned for us."

"Yeah, alright. Goodnight, Danny."

"Goodnight, Maegan."

I was hoping Maegan would fall asleep better with my reassurance, but now I couldn't sleep...
I found myself worrying about exactly what I told Maegan not to worry about.

Abram, or Mr. Smirnov, was very powerful. I hadn't really thought about it until now, but Maegan was right. If the guy wanted to, he could probably get us all killed. It was a horrible feeling...

I tried to calm myself with the thought that we were just regular people. It would be a waste of time for Abram to go after some high school students. To him, we were pretty much nobodies.

I couldn't really grant myself the reassurance, but lying here next to Maegan made me feel a little better. Still, I found myself tossing and turning quite a bit... hopefully I wasn't bothering Maegan, but it just seemed like I couldn't get comfortable. How did Maegan become so calm after being told so little?

I let out a somewhat frustrated grunt and sighed. As soon as I did, I felt Maegan turn her head towards me.


"Ah, sorry... I'm just having a little trouble sleeping."

"Oh... Is it because of what I told you?"

"No, not at all, you're good."

"Hmm... It seemed like you were falling asleep just fine before I woke you. I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, you didn't do anything, really."

She turned her whole body towards me and hugged me.

"Okay. Well just remember Danny, everything's gonna be fine. And like you said, if for some reason things go wrong, we can handle it."

Hearing her say it made me a feel a lot better than hearing it from myself.

I smiled and nodded, even if the dark made it difficult for her to see it...

"Yeah, that's right," I said.

I let go of her hand and hugged her again. This time, I felt myself able to fall asleep peacefully, close to Maegan with my mind at peace. Somewhat at least...

Still, I managed to find myself falling asleep.

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