The "Real" First Day

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My annoying alarm work me up for the second day of school. After sleeping past it for a couple more minutes, I finally got up and turned off the alarm, trying to fight the urge to go back to sleep.

I placed my phone next to these little red... hair ties? I wasn't sure exactly what they were called, but Natsuki wore them in her hair.

I went ahead and woke up Natsuki, who was hugging a pillow in her sleep. I gently shook her while quietly saying her name, causing her to move and slowly wake up.

"Natsuki. Natsuki, it's time to wake up."

She let go of the pillow and pushed it out of the way before stretching and rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it," she asked.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time.

"7:07. We need to be out of here by eight, so we got time. I'm gonna go take a shower. There's a hairbrush on the dresser if you wanna use it."

Without her saying a word, I exited the room and went to my brothers room to grab some clothes and took a shower. Once I was dressed and ready for the day, I went back to my room, where I found Natsuki with her hair brushed and in her school uniform.

"Don't worry, we'll buy you some clothes later on today," I said.

"Why'd we have to get up so early?"

"We're going to school. I didn't tell you?"

"N-No! I still have to go to school? I'm not even in my own..."

She kind of drifted into thought. I guess she didn't really know how to finish that. I didn't really know how to either...

"World? Universe," I asked.


"Well uh... you're not the one going to school. I am, but you're coming with me. You'll be going to my classes, but you won't really have to do anything."

"Then why am I going?"

"So I can watch over you. My brother has to go to class and my mom and sister don't know you're here. I don't even think we'll be coming back here today... we'll probably stay at Keith's or something."

I grabbed my cell phone from the nightstand and put it in my pocket.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

"Alright, come on. You got your cellphone with you?"


I grabbed my keys and we headed to the car. I didn't bring my switchblade along since I was pretty sure they'd just take it like they did my butterfly knife. That meant I'd have to keep Natsuki close at all times... her bright hair and uh, cute figure would make stand out, which would make her a bigger target.

We soon got to the school. I parked the car and checked my phone once again. 7:43. Class didn't start until 8:20, so we'd have time to eat breakfast or something.

"Alright," I said after getting out of the car. "Make sure you stay close to me alright? People here can be a little... uh..."

"A little what?"

"Uh... unpredictable?"

"What do you mean unpredictable?"

"Just stay close to me and everything should be alright."

Natsuki looked a little nervous, but I just brushed it off and headed inside, often taking a glance to make sure she was close. We headed to the cafeteria and got in the short line for breakfast. Once we got the mini pancakes they were giving, we sat at one of the outside tables and ate. We didn't really say much, but Natsuki seemed to be eating well.

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