Car Show

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I hadn't turned off my alarm the night before, so I ended up waking up at 6:30. I was surprised that it woke me up this time, as it had let me down the nights before. I headed back to bed and later woke up at around nine o'clock. Even though I was waking up for the second time, my friends were still asleep.

I checked my phone and saw that I had received a text from Victor, the guy with the Miata that I saw the other day. He texted me about twenty minutes ago, asking if I still wanted to go to the car meet. I responded with an "Of course!" before putting my phone back in my pocket. I grabbed some clothes from my back pack and took a shower to be ready for the day.

Once I finished taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I headed back to Robbie's room, where I found Robbie getting out of bed.

"Oh hey, good morning bud," I said to him.

"Good morning, Dan," he said to me in a tired voice. "Heh, looks like you were the first to wake up for once."

"Haha, yep. Hey so like, you still interested in going to the car show today?"

"Oh hell yeah, for sure, I just need to get ready. What time is it at?"

"I'm not sure. I need to check on that."

"Should we wake up the girls?"

"Eh... let me just check when the show starts."

"Alright, let me know. I'll be right back."

Once Robbie left the room to take a shower, I took a seat on his bed next to the sleeping Natsuki. I checked my phone and saw another message from Victor, telling me that the car meet would start at ten o'clock and end around three. It was already 9:47... but Maegan and Natsuki were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't have the heart to wake them up.

Eh, it's fine. It won't hurt anyone if I'm a little late.

After a couple of minutes, Robbie came into the room, dressed and ready.

"Hey Robbie," I said.

"Hey Danny. Did you find out when the show starts?"

"Oh yeah, it starts at ten, but-"

"Ten? It's 10:02! We gotta wake up the girls."

"Woah woah, hold on bud. We can let them sleep in for a bit... it's alright if we're a little late."

"But Danny, Maegan will not wake up unless she's woken up by someone."

Suddenly, Maegan raised her arm and middle finger in our direction.

"So you're awake," Robbie shouted as I started to chuckle.

"Yep," Maegan said in a somewhat tired voice before stretching.

"That just leaves Natsuki," Robbie said.

"Yeah. I'm sure she'll wake up in a bit," I said.

As we spoke, Natsuki started moving around a bit. She made odd squeaking noises as she began to stretch, leading us to believe that she was waking up. She soon looked at me with her eyes slightly open, confirming our suspicions.

"Good morning, Natsuki," I said.

"Good morning," she replied as she rubbed her eyes.

"Hey Robbie, Natsuki and Maegan still need to get ready, but is it alright if I go on ahead to the show already? I told someone I'd meet up with them."

"Sure buddy, it's cool. We'll catch up with you soon."

"Thanks. I'll see you guys later," I said as I was exiting the room.

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