Just Another Day

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I found myself being woken up by someone gently shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and saw Robbie, who was dressed and ready.

"Hey buddy, it's time to get up," he said.

"What time is it," I asked him.

"7:30, I think. Did you bring some clothes to change into?"

I thought about it for a moment, realizing I had everything else besides clothes.

"I don't think so," I said as I sat up. "I'll go ahead and get ready at my house. It looks like you're all ready to go?"

"Yup," Maegan replied.

"Yeah... Are you and Natsuki gonna be coming over after school," Robbie asked.

"Yeah I think so. If it's alright with you of course."

"Yeah dude, definitely."

As I stretched, Robbie patted my back for some reason, making me chuckle a little.

"I'll go ahead and take the girls to school," he said. "You can go home and get ready, we'll meet up in the cafeteria."

"Yeah alright. I'll see you guys later then," I said after putting my shoes on.

I waved goodbye and gave my farewells as I exited Robbie's room. I checked to make sure I had the regular items before heading to my car.

Traffic kinda sucked on the way home. I guess some people were already heading to work or school. Something loud was clearing some of the traffic ahead of me, however...

It sounded like gunshots.

This wasn't too uncommon around where I lived, but it was still unsettling nonetheless. Still, you could normally get passed the conflict without harm as long as you didn't get involved. They're usually after someone already, so the key was to make sure you weren't a target.

I kept my head low, but high enough to still be able to see. As the car's cleared up, I slowly moved forward. I was soon able to see a couple of people getting into a black SUV while a young man, continued to shoot at them. The SUV drove away while the man looked around. Our eyes suddenly met.

He ran towards my car with his gun in hand. He didn't really point it at me, but he looked ready. I could've quickly drove out of there, but I didn't want to risk getting shot. It was better to just let him take the car rather than get shot trying to run.

But to my surprise, he got into the passenger seat...

I took my hands off the steering wheel and put them next to my head.

"I don't want any trouble alright," I said. "I'm leaving, you can take the-"

"What? No, drive, come on!" He shouted.

I put the car in gear and drove.

"Wh-Where do you want me to go," I asked. "A-And who the hell are you?!"

"My name doesn't matter, and just around the block. I got a car waiting for me."

"I swear I've seen you before... Tell me who you are."

"Call me Spectre Frost, but unless we meet again that information is useless to you."

I recognized his face, but "Spectre Frost" didn't ring any bells in my mind.

I just kept my mouth shut and quickly drove around the block. As I was approaching a motorcycle parked by the sidewalk, Spectre told me to stop.

"Stop here," he said.

As soon as the car came to a halt, Spectre jumped out and ran to the motorcycle before starting it and quickly driving off. I found myself in slight confusion and shock, but just like everything that happened in the morning, this would probably just remain as some odd memory in the back of mind.

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