Maegan's Home

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I soon found myself being gently shaken awake. I knew it was probably around 6:30 to 7:00, but it felt like I had slept for no more than ten minutes.

"Hey Danny, you gotta get up for school."

As I opened my eyes, I saw that she was already dressed.

I came to realize that this happened to me often, whether I was with one person or a bunch of people, I tended to be the last one to get ready.

I also realized that I was at now at Maegan's house, and I had none of my stuff here. And well, I couldn't borrow Maegan's clothes...

Oh wait.

My house is like,

Down the street.

"It's time for school," Maegan said with a smile, reminding me once again.

"Yeah, I know," I said, rubbing my eyes before sitting up on the bed. "I see you're already dressed."

"Yeah, I thought I'd let you sleep in for a bit while I got ready. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept fine, but uh, I think I should head home to get ready. I'm pretty sure I left my stuff at Robbie's."

"Oh well, okay. I'll walk you outside."

I grabbed my phone, keys, knife, and wallet before getting out of bed. As we headed out of Maegan's room, we passed by her living room and dining room. Maegan's parents were chatting at the dining table, but once we they saw us passing, they called our attention.

"Good morning," her dad suddenly said to us.

"Good morning," Maegan responded. I just responded with an awkward wave.

I wasn't a complete stranger to Maegan's parents. Maegan's dad would usually pass us when I'd walk Maegan home from the bus stop, and Maegan's mom once told Maegan that she recognized me from when we were friends back in elementary.

I even got to properly meet them sometime during our sophomore year.

"Are you two leaving already," Maegan's mom asked us.

"Well Danny needs to get home to get ready," Maegan said.

"You don't want to have breakfast first," she asked us before taking a sip of her coffee. "There's some egg and bacon in the kitchen."

"Are you hungry," Maegan said while turning to me.

"I'm good, but you can eat if you want."

"It's okay," Maegan said to her parents. "We'll eat at school."

"Okay, well have a good day at school," her mom said. "It was nice seeing you again, Danny."

"It was nice seeing you too, ma'am. Bye!"

"Bye," both her parents said as we walked out the door.

We walked out and I shut the door behind us before we walked to my car, which was parked in front next to the driveway.

"Hey so like, your parents didn't mind that I stayed over," I asked.

"Not really. They were fine with it when I told them yesterday."

"Oh well, that's good. So your parent's are gonna take you to school?"

"Yeah, probably my mom."

"Oh alright. Well I'll see you later then. If I get ready early enough, we can meet in the cafeteria or something before heading to class."

"Yeah okay. I'll go ahead and text Robbie so we can all meet up."

"Perfect. Well I'll see you Maegan. Text me when you're heading to school," I said as I go into my car.

"I will. Bye Danny."

"Bye Maegan, I'll see you later."

I closed the car door and headed down the street while I saw Maegan walking back into her house through my rear view mirror. Once I got there, I went inside and took a shower before getting dressed and ready.

Once I was ready, I headed to my room before leaving. I just stood at the doorway and stared at my unmade bed.

I never really got the concept of making your bed if you were just gonna mess it up again, but when Yuri was around, I'd find it made every morning after I got out of the shower. I'd come into the room and see her relaxing with a book. It was summer at the time, so the days were ours to spend together.

I could vividly see her. My bed was made, and she was giving me a beautiful smile. I wanted to approach her and hug her without letting go.

In the blink of an eye, however, my bed was unmade and Yuri was gone.

I sighed to myself and turned off the light before heading outside. I checked my pockets once again checked my phone, to which I found a message from Maegan sent about fifteen minutes ago, telling me that she was heading to school. I simply sent an "OK," and went to my car to make my own way to the school.

It didn't take long to get there of course, and once I parked and exited my car, I saw my friends sitting at a table outside. But once I started to approach, I could see someone else sitting next to Maegan. He was a little too close for my liking...

Once I got close enough, Robbie noticed me and greeted me, grabbing everyone else's attention.

"Aye, Danny!" Robbie exclaimed.

Maegan smiled at me while Natsuki did the same, which was strange. She seemed a lot happier than she had ever been.

The stranger however, seemed annoyed at my presence.

"And who are you," I asked the stranger somewhat seriously.

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