Chapter 2: Guilty feelinings

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We arrive at the restaurant and get seated, it takes about 10 minutes for us to order and get our drinks. There's a lot of conversations at the table but for me it's just awkward.

"I want to say something to everyone" Nash says and everyone quiets down. "I love you all so much, things have been crazy lately but I hope things can be normal. i know we've been missing 3 very important people for almost a year but they're back now and we can return to having fun and being happy" Nash says. We all agree and go back to our conversations.

A girl walks up to the table and approaches cameron. they hug and he says "guys this is Callie" we wave and they hold hands and sit down. Taylor looks at me and I try to play it off. "Go to the bathroom and calm down" he whispers to me. I excuse myself and walk into the bathroom. I thought after a year I would be over this but I guess not. After I calm down I return to the table. "You okay?" Taylor asks as I sit. I nod and our food comes we all eat and talk for a bit.

"Is everyone ready?" Nash asks yeahs come from everyone. Some how we got stuck in a car with Nash, Maddy, me, Taylor, and Cameron. "This couldn't be more awkward" Taylor laughs.

When we pull into the drive way I'm the first one out and into the house. I go straight up to my room and change. I pull on sweatpants and a tee shirt. I finish putting my hair into a bun. Everyone meets up in the living room including Callie. Taylor and I sit next to each other with Nash and Maddy on the other end of the couch. Matt, Carter, and Deborah lay on the floor, and Cameron and Callie are on the other couch. We start a movie and Taylor and I share a blanket.

A little ways through the movie disgusting sounds come from Callie and Cameron. Callie sits on top of Cameron and they are making out. I go to leave and Taylor intertwines our hands. I relax and try to watch the movie. When the movie is finished Cameron and Callie go upstairs and I'm guessing I know why. We all stay downstairs and about 20 minute later Callie comes storming downstairs.

"Wait" Cameron says standing at the end of the stairs. "Why the fuck would I stay? you can't even get my name right!" she yelled "oh come on" Cameron says staying calm. "My name isn't Allison, it's fucking Callie" she yells and walks out. i turn back to the tv and try and relax. My mind races through theory's of why he said Allison. I try to ignore it but everyone I staring at me. "I'm going to bed" I say letting go of Taylors hand. "Hey, I need to talk you later" Taylor says "k" I simply reply then head upstairs.

I go into my room and lay on the bed. I look through twitter and Instagram until I hear a small knock at the door. "Come in" I say expecting Taylor to walk in. I sit up and look away from my phone. When I look up and see Cameron standing in the door way a gasp a little. "Sorry" he says "you're fine" I say trying to keep my eyes from wondering down his chest.

"Did you need something?" I ask hoping he'll just leave. "Um, I kinda wanted talk to you" he says closing the door "cool" I say. He sits on the bed and I can feel butterflies in my stomach. "When you left I regretted my decision. I didn't tell you or anybody because I knew I messed up and I knew I didn't deserve you. I would go out and get drunk, black out and end up

In bed with a stranger. I can't explain the guilt that went through me as I saw Nash or Taylor was talking about you, but I realize that I don't have the right to miss you because I let you go, I should have fought for you. and I don't expect you to say anything back to me, but just know that I knew I messed up and let the greatest thing that I had slip away..." he says. he leans up and kisses my forehead. After he walks out I collapsed my bed and can feel tears coming from my eyes.

I shouldn't feel bad but I do I feel like shit. Like I don't deserve to even be back. I put him through so much but he put me through so much too. I can't even think straight. I crawl under my covers and turn on my tv. I slowly slip into sleep.


Holy shizzz what should she do?



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