Chapter 12: Worry

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5 Weeks later

I have a small bump, cameron likes to play a guessing game from what I'm craving. All I know is when I have him or her that cameron and our baby will be the best thing that's ever happened.

"When do you guys figure out what it is?" Nash asks snapping me out of my thoughts. "Not soon enough" cameron interferes. Nash hasn't gotten use to it yet but it'll take time. "Okay, I'm going to go get Maddy from the airport" he says shutting the door. I sigh and lay my head back. "He'll get use to it, he loves you and he's mad now but he will soon see that this is good" cameron kisses my cheek.

Cameron and I have been talking about getting our own apartment not far from here. It's a big step but I love him and I'm sure the boys don't want a baby in the house. But I've been so stressed out lately that I can't even sleep at night. The doctor told me not to stress but I can't help it.

"How are you doing?" deborah asks coming around the couch. "Good, stressed out but good" I say sighing. Her eyes go wide "you can't be stressing out so much" I nod "I know" I rub my face. "Well I have to go, Carter nash Maddy and I are going out tonight" she waves. "I'm going too" Cameron says sitting on the back of the couch. I don't say anything I just head upstairs. About half way up the stairs I feel a pain in my stomach and have to sit down. I put my face in my hands and sit there. I feel a hand rub my back but it's not cameron. I look up and taylor is sitting next to me. I hug him tight and smile. "I missed you" I said letting go "listen, I'm not going out tonight so we can have a movie night together while they're out" he smiles. I nod. The pain in my stomach goes away so I continue walking to our room.

"You're mad" cameron says laying next to me. "No" I lay my hand on his arm. "Yes you are, I don't have to go. I can stay here and cuddle all night" he kisses my forehead. "It's fine, Taylor is staying and we're are watching movies" he rolls his eyes and sighs. "Taylor?" he grunts. "Taylor, we're friends" he laughs. "Obviously he likes you more than a friend" I sigh and sit up. I thought I was going to get sick but the feeling fades. I lay back down and start to worry. I've felt weird ever since I felt the pain in my stomach. I ignore it and sit on the bed. "I better get ready" he gets up and starts changing.

When he leaves taylor arrives. We watch 3 movies and a few episodes of Ghost Adventures then Taylor leaves. I go up to our room. I go through the closest and find a small box. I set on the bed and look through some photos of cameron I find some picture of his family and then I see a recent picture, maybe a few months ago. My eyes fill with tears and I throw the picture down. I grab a hoodie, my phone and keys. I don't know where I'm going but I know I can't stay there. I stop at a Starbucks about 15 miles away. I go inside order a coffee and sit at a table. I put my face in my hands as I hear people walk in. "Hey, you're Allison Grier right?" I hear a familiar voice say. "Yeah" when I look up I'm shocked. "Are you okay?" Kian Lawley asks sitting across the table from me. "To be honest I'm not" I wipe my eyes. "Well, I'm headed back to the house, wanna come?" he smiles. "I don't really know you" I laugh "oh come on I know your brother and I'm sure you know who i am, nobody else is there it won't be weird" he says standing. "Fine" I give in. We grab our drinks get into Kian's jeep and head for his house.

We walk into his house and it's gorgeous. "My room is upstairs" he points to the staircase. His room is neat, not what I except. "Okay so tell me what's wrong" he says patting his bed for me to sit down.


Woah.... Maybe another update tonight?

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