Chapter 16: kidnapped

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I'm moved back into the house, cameron is gone for a months so I'm staying in our old room even though he'll be back next week. We haven't talked much a few texts here and there. We probably won't get back together right away or maybe not at all. Kian and I stayed friends and I'm happy about that. At night the bed is lonely and I don't like it. Things are different and I don't what to do. I'm 18 and still live with 5 other people. I want to move out but not for awhile.

"We are going out to eat, you coming?" Nash asks peeking his head through the door. "Not tonight" I sigh. He shuts the door and I lay face down trying to comprehend my life. what have I done, I've messed so many times. I stand up and go to the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror and seem disappointed. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs so I look out the window to see if Nash's car is still here and it's not.

Who the hell would be here. I turn the light off and sit on the cool bathroom floor. Then I hear deep strange voices. "Ashley said she moved back in" one said. "A hole car full of people just left, how do you know she wasn't in there?" a different voice asks getting closer. "I've seen her before" one yells at the other. I shut my eyes tight and pull my knees to my chest. The bedroom door creeks open and footsteps fill the room. they get louder and the bathroom door swings open. A sharp pain hits my head and everything goes black.
Camerons POV
2 days later

Ashley stands infront of the TV and smiles. "Move" my voice is demanding. She steps aside and I turn the tv up. Missing people's picture show on the screen I watch as the flash and then I see her. Her beautiful blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Wait.... Allison is missing.

I fumble around trying to find my phone. I pull up Nash's number and panic more with each ring.

N-Nash c- Cameron
N-finally you call
C- how long?
N- we went out the other night when we came back the house had been broken into and she was gone.
C- fuck, I'm coming home

I hang up and throw my clothes into a bag. "Cameron stop" Ashley's voice makes me stop "why?" I yell. "Can't you see she's gone and I'm here" she smirks. now I know, it clicks in head "where is she!" I yell grabbing her arm. "A few guys took care of her" I push her arm away and grab my bag, keys, and phone. I run down the stairs and unlock my car. I throw the bag in the backseat and speed off.

Allison's POV

I'm awake but my eyes are still closed. My arms are taped to a cold metal surface. I open my eyes and see a small light hanging from the ceiling. I'm in a metal chair that's been welded to the floor some how. There's tape around my mouth, so I can't yell. My vision is still blurry but I can see a metal door. It slides open and I look around. A man walks in with heavy boots, blue jeans, and a black t shirt.

"You're awake" his smile is creepy. But I recognize the voice from the house. He has dark hair that goes to one side. I try to look at every feature incase I get out. He grabs my neck and squeezes. "Don't worry, you're not dying yet" he lets go and pulls a chair infront of me. He traces my leg up and I kick. "Feisty" he smirks. "Daniel" the other voice from be house says. "Don't rape her yet" he says. The other one 'Daniel' sighs. o start to laugh because they're very unprepared they left finger prints at the house and are leaving finger prints here.

"Stop" the other yells. "Why are you laughing" he yells. He pulls the tape off and stops. "Kill me, please" I dare him. "Not yet, but I'm sick of hearing you" he hits me and then I'm out again.

(Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but these next few chapters are going to be intense)

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