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:: Michael's POV ::

"Alright, Thanks for stopping by. Didn't know I'd find talking with you a pleasure." I chuckled slightly and watched Luke head towards the door "And By the way." He stopped in the door way.

"I'm everyone's type."

He smirked to me and began walking down the steps and down the street. I could feel my body slightly heat up.

I shut the door and walked back to my room. I already had everything planned. Well.. Kind of. I had a camera, tripod, and an idea of a very clique storyline. The camera wasn't the best and the tripod may or may not have been home-made, but it worked for me.

I sat down on my bed and began doing my coursework, with the aid of my MP3 player, but a few minutes in I heard my phone vibrate.

I took my headphones out and curiously grabbed for my phone.

I could feel my horrible dorky smile take over my face. As I read 'Howdy Partner :D' flash over my phone. And in that moment I also noticed I became a total girl. I was biting my finger, flickering my eyes and blushing like crazy. Total girl.

I bit my lip while thinking of a quirky come back. And in defeat I sent back, "Oh my god. You're so corny."

I'm so lame.


The next day when I came into school I felt less anxious, almost safe. We took the same seats as we did before and I liked it? It was weird to actually have someone to give a shit about me. Or close to. Though I wasn't sure how fast Luke was at breaking his promises. I shouldn't fall too easily.

"Hey" Luke would greet me as I made my way to my seat. He was slouched and with his long dangly, he made me stumble. Luke was quick off of his feet to apologize. "Shit, sorry Michael"

I just smiled, "It's okay. You can't control the length if your legs." I finally got to my seat and took out my things, "and what made you decide to apologize?" I glanced up at Luke, finding him already looking at me. I quickly looked back down at my shoes.

He just flickered his eyes around and slightly chewed on his lip. "I just.." He sighed, "I just guess you deserve it, I was such an ass to you."

I shrugged and messed with the seams of my sweater. It's normal for people to be an ass. It's almost like a ritual, someone has to be the loser, right?

"And until I can find a real way to make it up to you, I'm going to be respectful." He finished with a smile. I shrugged. "I mean... Why until?"

Stop being so clingy Michael.

He smiled up at me until I lifted my head to look at him, "Fine, how about forever and always." I just giggled "Are you proposing to me?"

"No, but I am making a proposition." He finished before being hushed by the teacher.

Today she finally gave us the due date and specific topic for our project. We had to make a short film, that didn't feature drug use, self harm, or bad language. Which I guess was okay. We got to choose our partners obviously, and obviously I was choosing Luke.

Luke and I both left class together. It was weird because I've never intentionally walked side by side with someone in ages.

But, It didn't last long.

"Oi, Luke why are you talking to that freak?" I heard a familiar voice. I slowed down wanted to go the other way, and luckily for me I was pushed another way. Into a wall actually.

"I wasn't, He was just by my side being a- f-weirdo." He shook his head and ran his fingers through his quill after catching up to his friends.

I sat by the wall quietly.

At least he didn't break his promise, right?


Sorry this is really short and dumb I have my first day of school tomorrow and I really need to sleep, I love you guys. (:


QOTD: Favorite 5SOS song?

Mine is Beside You. 💖

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