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:: Luke's POV ::


I ran my finger across my lip as I began my journey back home. My heart was beating fast, but I couldn't help but smiling hoping Michael's was beating just as fast.

"You're home late, Mr." My mom began to lecture me.

"Sorry, I ended up taking Michael to a store so he could buy his grandmum a present. Her birthday was coming up soon."

"That's very nice of you. But, Luke, Are you doing it genuinely or to pay him for what you put him through." My mom guilt tripped me as I began racing to my room, making me stop mid-way up the stairs. I breathed silently and scratched the back of my head. "Because, I don't think he'll budge that easily." she finished.

My mom knew the whole time about Michael, and how I was pathetic and always made fun of him and called him a freak, and just the horrible stuff I did. I think I was over Miley, I mean, obviously I wasn't over him, but I was over making up for what I did; paying my dues. Little does my mum know we've been established as friends now. She was right about one thing, He won't budge easily. I sighed and went to my room.

I decided to get my mind off of everything by starting my homework that was actually due tomorrow. But, I could still barely accomplish that. I couldn't stop thinking about it. The kiss, anyways.

Last time I checked I was straight, but the last girlfriend I had was Acockia and that was over a year ago. Guys don't kiss other guys because they're friends. Even if I was gay, I had a major obstacle in front of me: Could Michael find it in the goodness of his heart to maybe let me in? Probably not. If my new friend allowed his ex friend beat the living shit out of me, and wanted to snog the next week, It would be an automatic no.

I jumped as the door creaked; helping me escape the inevitable thoughts. "Hey, I'm going to sleep now. I love you, goodnight Luke." My mum quickly said but I caught her right before she closed the door.

"Hey mum." I cleared my throat and moved my body in the direction of the door.


"Can a lion love a penguin..?"

She gave me a confused look. "What?"

I quickly shook my head and chuckled nervously, "Nevermind. I'm just tired, I guess." She waved me off with an eye roll and went to bed.

I just hope he's not in complete shock about the kiss. I finished up my last problem for math and crawled into my bed, I guess I forgot to take off my clothes and shoes because that's exactly what I woke up with.


I decided I'd confront Mikey as soon as possible, so I don't have him stressing out over what it was exactly. Why I did what I did. And with the unimportant occasion, I decided to look my best, so he'd be more interested.

Which, in the long run, was pointless..



"Has anyone seen, Michael?"

Dropped my pencil subconsciously and felt my heart sink to my stomach. It reminded me of what happened last time he didn't show up to class. I use the nauseousness as an excuse to rush out of class, and out of the school.

I stood in front of the school, panicking slowly and feeling hopeless. My mum wouldn't call off work to drive me to my friends house. Definitely not my crushes house.

I reached for my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number. He didn't answer. It lead me to his voicemail. I clenched my jaw and groaned. "Damnit Michael." I muttered before running towards his place.


I knocked on the door about three times, waiting for a response. In defeat I opened the door and searched for Michael. I found him lying down on his mattress, looking malnourished and sick looking. I got on my knees and looked at him in the eyes, those dull green eyes that were sparkling with happiness less then 24 hours ago.

"Michael, hey, snap out of it." I waved my hand across his eyes. They didn't budge. He didn't budge.


Sorry this was so short, The next part is just really long and pretty intense. It'll reveal a lot about Michael and his childhood. I hope to finish it by tonight since this was a short chapter.

plus I'll have a lot of time because I'm going to Florida this week, and we'll be driving and stuff. And I'll be trapped in a car for a good 12 hours; Fun fun.

do you guys even read this I mean I wouldn't read it but idk


Also, If you follow My Happy Little Pill: it has been updated lol.

that's it okay

ily guys byeee


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