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:: Luke's POV ::


I sat in the back of my mum car, and allowed my pinkie to intertwine with his. He didn't respond to it, but just continued to simply stare out the window.

My mum began to drive faster as she took the ramp into the highway and I felt Michael begin to shake lightly as he let out a deep breathe.

"I'm so sorry.." I wanted to a scream out.

Michael walked silently beside me as we walked through the automatic double sliding doors. Though I eventually trailed behind him as he made his way inside the building. Once we were at the reception desk Michael stopped, making me crash into him.

"Oof." I whispered.

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll get it." My mum walked before both of us and began getting the room number.

Michael pulled me away, and into the men's restroom in the waiting area. Once we were in he grabbed a hold of my shirt and tried to pull himself up to my height. He kept his voice at a whisper and began to sob into my chest. "Luke I want to go home. Oh god, please, please, just take me home, I don't want to be here. Tell me this is a dream" he rambled until his voice began to crack and tears soaked my jacket.

He began to fall on top of me, and all I could do is slide to the floor and hold him close in my arms. Tears slightly formed in my eyes, but I cleared my throat and dabbed them away. "I'm so sorry.." I barely managed to get out. I kissed the top of his head. "Maybe, she'll be okay.." I tried to shed light on the situation.

I held him for the longest time, and in silence. What could you say to a broken boy? A broken boy that's about to lose all that he has left. I had absolutely no words.

My mum called me, telling me the room number

and to meet her there whenever we were ready. I casually ran my hands through his hair and let him be.

A few minutes later I tapped him carefully, "ready?" He just nodded, wiping snot from his nose. He crawled off of me, and allowed me to stand before I offered him my hand and helped him up as well.

I rested my arm around his shoulders as we made our way down the hall. The receptionist gave us both a sympathetic smile as we passed by, but only I faked a smile back. Michael was too focused on the ground to notice anyone passing by.

Before we walked in the room I gave him a kiss to the temple. "I'm right here.." I whispered as I opened the door to the room. Michael walked in slowly, and I patiently waited behind him.

I pursed my lips and gulped as Michael's grandmother lied ahead of us on a ventilator.

Michael forced a smile on his face and brought a chair up next to her bed. I just sat down on the chair in its designated spot. He sat on the edge with my hands clasped together holding up my head.

"Hi grandmum." He spoke quietly before taking her hand.

The doctor came in and Michael quickly stood up and walked over to him, awaiting answers.

"Uhm, Mr. Clifford?" The doctor asked, and Mikey just nodded.

"Will she be o-okay?"

The doctor sighed. "Well, there's a possibility. We traced back to another death that was in your family.. Uh, Karen Clifford? Was it?" Mikey nodded again. "Okay well, it's the same cancer, so she's at high risk. Especially because of her age. She's going to go into surgery tonight just so, If all goes well, we'll get her fixed up and she can start chemo. Alright, kiddo?" He smiled. Michael just sighed and nodded.

I bit at my thumb, and let my leg bounce up and down frantically.

Just hold on for tonight. I silently pleaded.

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