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:: Michael's POV ::

Ugh, please anyone but him.

Luke was one of those assholes that liked to step all over my self esteem, well if I had any self esteem left.

I literally refer to myself as "it" subconsciously because that's my nickname here in this hell hole.

It was weird.

For once Luke Hemmings wasn't hissing at me or laughing along with his little friends as they shove me up against a locker.

I'm not complaining; just think it's weird.

Maybe he's not the complete douche as his friends make him out to be. Actually, I kind of know he's not a complete douche.

Everytime I'm caught in the hallway by Josh's little clique, including Luke, I'm usually always bashed and left bruised and while it all happens Luke just...


A sympathetic type of stare, like he wants to say sorry and intertwine his hands with mine. In those moments I feel it somewhere that maybe, just maybe, Luke is a okay guy but just wants to show for his friends.

Oh boy, how I was wrong.

After each beating or episode of teasing he'd always hiss "Freak" before walking away. It kind of stung, and always came to be as a surprised.

I shook my head and came back into reality, and at the right time too. Apparently one of our projects had to do with making a short film.

Truth was, I horribly into film and directing and just the whole bit. It's almost like art but, in different frames and when the frames comes together it just becomes overfilled with multiple emotions. A never ending painting. That probably made no sense, but it is I me.

After that was over we had an extra 10 minutes left, so I put in my headphones and plugged them into my mp3 before finding myself listening to mayday parade.

"Cmonnnn, when will this class end." I heard Luke groan. I bit my lip lightly and then let out a small chuckle.

He thought he was tired of school already? Ha.

Not only was it only 1 hour in school and he was already complaining, but he didn't have to walk to school and survive the pack of whispering insults that were being passed from friend to friend.

Jerk to jerk.

"What are you laughing at... Freak?" I flinched at the last word and stared at my hands.

Damnit, Why did I even open my mouth?

I felt my heart strings being pulled. I wish it didn't bother me so much. It's normal, this is fucking normal. A ritual. A daily routine.

Luke loosing his cool. A daily fucking routine. or.. was it me being so gullible..?


I pursed my lips and look up at the clock. Within a heart beat and a second before the bell I was out of there.

Gym was my next class. I didn't hate gym, because It was more of a free period then ever.


"Michael, you know you're going to fail the class if you don't dress.. Or participate." Gemma said mockingly. I just smiled and chewed at my finger nails as different balls were being tossed around.

Gemma never really dressed either, not because she was insecure about it or anything, she just didn't really need to pass gym, she's probably the greatest artist I've seen. She's certain to get a scholarship.

Gemma was probably my only friend, and I was so lucky to have her.

"Hey, dude. Look at that."
Gemma nudged me before pointing towards the opening door that led to the hallway.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. It was Luke.

"God, if he wasn't such a pussy i'd totally-" Gemma started until I was quick to cut her off.

"Or maybe I need to stop being disgusting and gullible." I muttered only loud enough to get her attention. And maybe get it through her head.

Gym was finally over and it was time for lunch. Lunch was my least favorite time of the day, I was resorted to sit in the bathroom. No one allowed me to sit with them.

I can see why. I wouldn't want to sit with it either.

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