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:: Michael's POV ::


I took ahold of my camera and bit at my lip. I watched out the window and filmed the fields we went by. Without stopping the film I looked over to Luke, "So, where's this place?" It seemed like the middle of nowhere to me.

"It's not a chain restaurant, it's actually owned by a friend of mine." I smiled, looked back at my rolling camera, and turned it off.

I pulled my feet up to my chest and let out a deep breathe.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked, moving his attention from the road and onto me and occasionally back to the road.

Actually there was, and it was dumb, really. Things were good. And I couldn't think straight. I could worry. Worry that it'll backfire, like last time. But if I don't worry, I'll still worry. All good things come to an end. Either way I want him to stay. The him he is now, I like that Luke. "Don't go." I whispered unconsciously.

"Huh?" Luke said very confused. I looked up at him confused.


"Sorry, I thought you said something." Luke muttered and I felt the truck stop. We must be here.

I got out of the truck and fixed my clothes. "You should grab your camera." Luke proposed before shutting his door and walking over to my side.

"Why? We're just going to be eating." I chuckled a bit but grabbed the camera anyways.

"Something excited might happen. Like for instance, maybe grandma Jenkins chokes on her food and I save her." I laughed.

"Or maybe I choke on my food and you save me."

"Or that." Luke shrugged, and began walking towards the enterance. I followed after. "Either way, those kinds of things should be on camera."


"Can I start ya'll off with drinks?"

The waitress asked politely. She was really nice and gave us no problem. Well, kind of.

"Hm.. Yea, Maeve, I'd actually like a sprite." Luke said contently and patiently waited on me.

They must know each other then.

"Oh, uhm, I'll also have a sprite." I muttered out. The women just smiled and walked off to fetch our drinks.

"So, uh, who's Maeve?" I cleared my throat, looking up at Luke, who was still checking over the menu.

"Our waitress?" He chuckled out, as he furrowed his eyebrows a bit. "Oh, right, well.. How do you know her? A friend of the family?" I bit my lip quickly to shut myself up.

Don't be so clingy.

"Mikey." Luke finally sat up. He looked at my oddly, nervous hand twiddling and then up to my actual face. It made my heart pang, reminding me of the times he gave me the same look while Calum threw me against the locker or kicked me senseless in the torso.

"Her name is Maeve, I guess from her name tag." He finished with a whisper as the waitress came back.

I peered up at the waitress before she put out drinks down. Huh. I guess her name tag does say "hello, my name is Maeve." I smiled up and gave her a thanks.

We didn't eat breakfast, but ended up sharing a basket of mozzarella sticks. I kept myself modest and only ate a few while Luke practically stuffed his face, which was fine. I was used to not eating a lot anyways, so if I ate any more I'd probably just end up throwing it all up. Whatever Luke ate was probably not even a whole portion.

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