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:: Luke's POV ::


The class muttering simmered down.


"Has anyone seen Michael?"

I looked at the empty seat beside me. I bit my lip and began to feel my heartbeat in my throat.

It's been 3 days since Michael's been in class. I guess I'm a little worried. Or maybe a lot. Only because It was my fault. My last encounter with him included me pushing him into a wall and forgetting he was a human being.

I want to be friends with Michael. I really do. But I've been a bystander of him being bullied for such a long time that I don't know how to respond to anything correctly.

I spent my whole day psyching myself out over the whole thing. I mean, the two days meant nothing, I was just thinking that he was sick or something. But day three I started to worry.

After school was over I was drove home by Calum and laid in my bed all day. I was too nauseous to sleep so I just stared at the ceiling. I couldn't sit still. I pulled my hair, before sitting up and checking my phone.

A missed call from Acacia, a text from Calum and a twitter notification from someone with the user Ashton5SOS.

And no texts from Michael.

I swallowed my pride and decided to send him a text.

'Hiii. '

I walked downstairs to use the bathroom, grabbed a snack, and headed back upstairs to still nothing from Michael.

I should stop worrying. He's not my friend, and it's clear as to why.

My phone taunted me as it sat their silly lit on my desk, I felt like I needed to tell someone, or just talk to someone to get my mind off of everything. I decided to call Calum. The conversation started out good. Calum was a bit irked that I called him as late as I did, but he was okay. Well, okay until I mentioned Michael.

"So uh, I was wondering uh.. why do yo- we hate Michael so much." I ended with a chuckle. "Like, why can't we just like.. Idk uhm.."

"Are you high, Luke? First you call me at 12:30 in the morning and now you're acting like you actually give a fuck about Michael." He laughed obnoxiously.

"No but seriously, You should probably get some sleep, Luke. You sound crazy."

'I'm not crazy, you're an asshole.' Is what I wanted to say, but Calum was probably right. I'm probably getting all frustrated over nothing. But, in the moment I was really angry so I just hung up, regretting it as soon as I did.

I grabbed at my hair and yanked unconsciously as I grunted my teeth. "Fuck." I partially groaned before taking my shirt and pants off and laying on top of the covers.

I finally found my way into unconsciousness.


The next morning I found myself late for school. Late for first period.

"Oh, Luke late to class again." My teacher taunted me. I kept my eye on my feet before lifting my head to see Michael in a beige long sleeve twiddling with his cute little fingers. I hurried to my seat and ignored the small lecture my teacher gave.

"Mikey, hey, where have you been? Why haven't you texted me back?"

He gave me he silent treatment.

"Mikey I'-"

"Why do you care where I was? You act like we're friends or something." Michael whispered.

"Why can't we be friends?"

"Friends don't shove each other into walls because they're embarrassed to be around them while with their other friends." He quietly snapped. I jumped slightly and cleared my throat, out of words to say. "But It's okay. It's not like it's anything new." He shrugged me off and began his work.

We didn't talk for the rest of class. I decided to talk to him before he left, giving myself the whole class to think of my explanation. Though it's not that difficult, 'Micheal, I'm sorry for being a complete ass.' Yup. That would've done it.

The bell rang.

Michael attempted to hurry out the class but I hurried and took him by the arm. I locked eyes with him after hearing a small wince and a jerk of his arm.

"Luke." He whispered in a bit of pain. "Let go." I immediately let go. I didn't need him to explain anything, I already knew. And I was distraught. I felt a pang in my chest as I ran my hand down his arm and to his hand where I held onto for the time being.

"I-" Michael attempted to squeak out.

"Just hear me out. Michael. I'm trying really hard.. Okay? I want to be friends with you and I know I'm doing a shit job trying to prove to you. But I'll get better. It'll get better. You don't need a razor to tell you that. What happened 4 days ago, It'll never happen again. And any day before that. It'll never happen, I swear." And with that I smiled assuringly waiting for one in return.

A adorable shy smile appeared on his face, "You swear?"

"I swear. Come to mine after school, I'll prove it." I began to walk out.



Now I'm going to go to do it because it's due tomorrow and it's 9:45 here okay bye ily


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