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(Btw the build-a-bear idea came from another muke fanfic called "Give Me Love." You should check it out, its the best. )

:: Luke's POV ::


I held the door open for Mikey as we entered the mall. I chuckled as his eyes literally lit up, I was here last week, but it seems as if he hasn't been here in a very long time.

When we past the perfume department I heard a couple of sneezes emit from him. I tried to hurry him past the perfumes by taking him by his sleeve and dragging him gently to the main part of the mall.

"Are you okay now?" I chuckled as he was rubbing his nose.

He sneezed once more before nodding, "Yea, I'm okay. It's ashamed because it smells so good." He whined at a whisper.

As we made our way further into the mall I looked at Michael from the corner of my eye. He was chewing on his thumb nail, but looked only as if he was pulling at his sweater with his teeth. His eyes were focused on the more abstract stores.

We finally made it to build-a-bear and was greeted by a ditzy blonde named Ray.

"Hello! Welcome to build-a-bear! Shopping for a younger brother, sister, niece, nephew?"

I could almost see the whites of Michael's eyes from the girls crazy ramble.

I finally poked in, "Uh, no, we're actually here to make something for his grandmum's 56th."

I felt michael almost cower behind me, hiding in my shadow. I was about a foot taller than him, so he was probably just standing behind me.

"Well, let's get started shall we?" The girl gestured us over to the small assembly line, there different spaces. You pick an animal, stuff it, add a heart, and buy it clothes and etc. I mostly blanked out while she was talking, but Michael was quick to find a cute giraffe.

I hummed and looked through the different variety of animals, I couldn't help but pick out a lion.

Next was stuffing it.


::Michael's POV::

I grunted softly as I tried to fit the small opening around the nozzle of the stuffing machine. I finally got it on, but felt a bit shaky and nervous. The line began to slow down because of my incompetence with the machinery.

"Hey mister! Can you hurry up?" A little girl yelled from the line.

I began pushing to button numerous times, yet nothing happened. I looked over to Luke, who was apparently making a bear of his own.

"Luke, uh, can you help me?" I looked back to the machine waiting for him to come over.

"Lu-" I began to stand up but froze as I felt my back push against a slightly muscular being.


::Luke's POV::

I walked over to Michael before he could fully emit my name, I stood over him slightly before his back was pushed up against my chest.

"Watch out, babe." I said under my breathe before taking Michael by the waist and moving him to the side.

Did I just call Michael babe..?

I took a quick glance at his rosey red cheeks before fixing the machine. I chewed at my lip ring, holding in a chuckle and smirked slightly.

"Let's see.." I mumbled.

It was an easy fix, he just had to secure his giraffe into the machine. Once his was done I quickly stuffed my lion, well, his lion.

After all the tom foolery I found myself beside Michael again.

It was time to find a heart.

Michael ended up putting three small hearts into the giraffe, while I decided on one big heart for my lion.

"How are you going to dress your giraffe?" I asked while moving up in line.

"I don't know, I think just a bow in her hair would be good enough." He shrugged but then looked over to me "What about your lion?" He giggled.

"He's going to be punk rock. Do you think I'll be able to dye his mane pink?"

"Maybe, if not I can." He smiled as he placed a little bow in the giraffe's hair. "There. Isn't she adorable?" Michael took a few minutes to admire his creation before putting it in the house like box. It was adorable, but not as adorable as Mikey was being.

I ended up accessorizing my lion with a quarter sleeve that says "idiot" and a snapback.

I didn't need a box, I ended up just carrying Daniel in my hands. And Michael picked out his name. Why Daniel? I don't know, but soon it'll be his lion, so it didn't really matter to me.


By the time we left the mall it was a little late. Michael went to hot topic for the first time in forever, so we spent a few hours in there. I ended buying him a few new shirts and maybe one or two for myself. I couldn't help it, the way he smiled, when he knew his favorite bands still made merch, made my heart melt.

On the car ride home, I found the boy curled up on the seat snuggling with the lion, sound asleep. The whole ride he slept silently, except for some occasional whines of discomfort. I ran my hand up and down his back assuringly when he did so, quelling him down.

I sat in the driveway of his house quietly, not wanting to wake him. But, it wasn't long before he awoke himself.

"Luke?" He asked, raspy voiced with a hint of a whine.

"Yes Michael?" I questioned.

He sat up and looked out the window with his eyes squinted.

"Are we home?" He asked again.

"Yup. Ready to go inside?"

He nodded and opened his door. I got out of the car as well and escorted him to the door.

"I had fun today, Lukey." Michael giggled.

He was definitely out of it.

"I'm glad to hear that. We should do it again sometime." I suggested before finally arriving to his door step.

"Well.." I breathed out before biting my lip. Michael wiped his eyes, patiently waiting for whatever was to come next.

"Seeyoutomorrowbye" I said quickly before dashing to my truck.


::Michael's POV::

"Uhm.. Bye..?" I watched as the blondie dashed to his truck.

I sighed slightly and went into the house. My grandmum was in her bed this time, which I was glad to see, sleeping. I put the giraffe on her night stand and but then hurried back to the living room to the sound of knocking.


I began to say before I felt a pair of lips connect with mine, and shortly after a pair of hands pulling me at the waist. As our lips disconnected I opened my eyes to a blushing Luke, only causing me to blush more.

He chuckled and pecked my cheek.

"See you tomorrow, Mikey."

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