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(i dyed my hair ayee
p.s. no smoking )

:: Luke's POV ::


"Enjoying your pancake?" I mumbled hopefully. He was playing with the small clumps of pancakes left on his plate. He shrugged and then checked the time on his phone before returning to playing with his pancakes clumps. I continues to stare at him, with a smirk on my face, and I could feel how uncomfortable he was by the fidgeting of his fingers, and involuntary squirming of his bottom half.

I left the booth, and returned sitting next to his, with my face close to his cheek. He first, look at me with the corner of his eye and then smiled, but he quickly went back to remaining straight-faced.

"I saw that." I chuckled, and pecked the side of his head. He sighed in defeat and smiled nervously, along with the drop of his shoulders.

"Hey, c'mon be happy." I pleaded, and caressed his jaw in my hands. His eyes glittered as they stared into mine, and his face was pink, and blushed. I leaned in for a kiss but stopped, and let my thumbs find the corner of his mouth, allowing him to smile. He whined playfully and pawed at my chest, "go awaaayyy." He pouted.

"You know you loovveee, me." I wrapped my hands around his waist and pulled him against me. I could see his lips quiver, and his eyes flicker away hopelessly, causing me to frown slightly but then he clutched on to me, and mumbled "I know." Into my neck.

When the waiter came around she dropped off the check, I left a good tip, and then we were out of there.

"While we're out in the middle of no where, what are something's you'd like to do?" I asked. He was half asleep by the time, so he mumbled incoherent nonsense and was fast asleep in a matter of seconds.

I smiled and thought about how I was so lucky, and how everyone who has actually ever met Michael was lucky, and how lucky his family was to have him. I found it deep inside me that it was my job to take care of him, since everyone who was oh so lucky wasn't around anymore. That's when it hit me, Michael was just scared. Scared to be loved, again. Scared that I'm going to leave like everyone else did.

To ease his pain I would love to not love him, but it's too late for that. When I'm not with him I'm weaker. I'm hopelessly, desperately and completely in love with the bloke.

I stopped at a store and picked up a few blankets and snacks and a lamp, and I decided to take him to see a movie under the stars.

When he woke up, it was about 3:30 PM and he rustled around on the floor for a bag of chips, and began eating them. "Where's Daniel?" He muttered and cleared his throat. before searching around. I giggled and took him out of the middle console. "I didn't want you to lose him" Michael furrowed his eyebrows lightly before delicately taking him.

"And I'm going to make sure you don't lose him." He looked at me, confused like a lost puppy. "It's okay, michael." I smiled, "it's going to be okay, I'm not going anywhere."
He shook his head lightly, "I'm sorry.. In advance."

I reached over and took his hand. "Will you be with me, so happily, Michael Gordon Clifford?" I smiled nervously and looked over to him. His mouth hung open, and I awaited for words to come out. "Ye-course." He choked out.

"Excuse me?" I laughed.

"I was going to say yes, but then started saying of course, stop judging me." He huffed, and covered up his blushed face.

"Cutie." I smirked.


It was 9:30 when we pulled up to the drive-in theatre, Michael stood helplessly confused as I parked and began piling blankets in the bed of the truck. The screen wasn't to use yet, but there were little kids running everywhere and couples going and returning to the snack line.

A girl in a peacoat, a oversized bmth shirt, and skinnies walked up to michael and began talking to him about his hair. She was so fascinated in the lilac color. Hers was a fuchsia, and short like his, but hers was in a curly-like quiff. I'm not sure what they were both talking about, but the girl took her girlfriend's hand and left, leaving Michael with a dorky smile.

I picked him up, and helped him into the bed, he remained quiet and in a small shock, which I found adorable. He snuggled up in the blanket before I even in the bed, he was a big ball of blankets. Once I laid down though, he was snuggling on my chest.

The movie they were showing was 'if I stay'


It's my birthday tomorrow and I turn 16 aYE
but Michael is still illegal I (SOBS)

I hope everyone who goes to forum has fun bc that should be mE SCREAMS Also I may or may not have used myself as a character in this story oops, btw I don't have a girlfriend but i wish i did.

i do what I want I'm punk rock

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