
5.5K 287 29

:: Michael's POV ::

:: !!trigger warning!! ::

I laid on my bed with my hands wrapped around my waist in a fetal position. I haven't been out of my room for about three days. It's fine, really.

I just needed to think, before I reacted any sort of way.

The day Luke shoved me against the wall. The wall. I remained there, sitting with my knees to my chest, for the rest of the day. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to see the injuries it caused. I didn't want to be seen. Most of all I didn't want to see him.

I don't want to see Luke.

My principle finally called my grandmum, forcing her out of work to come remove me from my blind trance. Which wasn't good because we needed the money.

My grandmum didn't mind me staying home but, she did worry. Everyday she slid notes under my door, with "I love you" and "it'll get better" written all over them. I didn't read them until after the blood slithered from my cuts and dripped onto the already stained sheets. I dug my nails into my sides at the thought.

But, why did I care? It's normal, everyone pushes me around. Why am I just now caring?

'Michael get over yourself.' I thought to myself as my nails dug deeper and the blood was smudging against my shirt.


"Just hear me out. Michael. I'm trying really hard.. Okay? I want to be friends with you and I know I'm doing a shit job trying to prove to you. But I'll get better. It'll get better. You don't need a razor to tell you that. What happened 4 days ago, It'll never happen again. And any day before that. It'll never happen, I swear." Luke said. His voice was a bit raspy and small. My mouth quivered slightly before lightly smiling.

"You swear?" I almost whispered.

"I swear. Come to mine after school, I'll prove it." He began to walk out before I could oppose.

What was this kid pulling? I frowned a bit before going to my next class.


Gemma spit her soda out.

"He what?!" She said in shock, I couldn't tell if she was happy or angry.

"Dude, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, c'mon, look at what he did to you four days ago, mate." Gemma flailed her hand my way as I ran my hand along the production of Luke's shove and sighed to myself.

"He's different from the rest of them okay?" Michael protested. "You can tell by the look in his eyes-"

"The look in his eyes as his friends beat the shit out of you?" Louis interrupted me.


"No gemma, Michael needs to get over this little crush.." Louis rambled on.

I zoned out right when crush was flung into the rant. Crush. Crush? I like Luke? This is a crush? I shook my head. Impossible. I've only had a crush once and before I could even make a move my chances were literally crushed.

When I came back from my thoughts I found Louis and Gemma still fighting.

"Hey Louis." I said calmly, ending their bickering.


"How do you know when you have a crush?"

"Oh, you know. The occasional butterflies in your stomach, sweaty palms and flickery eyes." Louis explained.

It sounded childish. I don't have a crush on Luke. I've been anything but those symptoms.

It was more like daily stomach grumbles, bloody palms, and watery eyes. I'm just living my life and Luke gets front row seats, I guess.

After Louis was finished explaining I just chuckled and right after that the bell rang.


"Mikey!" I jumped at a joyful voice and looked to my right to find a giggling Luke in a small black pick-up. "Well? Hop in." He reached over and opened the door.

I got in and immediately my right to hearing was taken away by The Offspring.

"Luke! Turn it down!"


"Turn the mu-"

Luke lowers the volume and looks at me, concern. I smiled. "It was a little loud.." I said almost inaudibly.

"Look Mikey, It's rock and roll. It's meant to be played loud." He protested. I massaged my ear with my pinkie. "Yes but, is it necessary to have it that loud?"

"Until your ears bleed Clifford!" The optimism in his voice was impossible to miss, I just chuckled and soon after he chuckled turning the volume up.

"Just live Michael Clifford, live!" He screamed over the music.

The rest of the car ride home consisted of blaring punk rock, A head banging Luke Hemmings and the occasional swerving off of the road. I'm surprised no one saw, but then again he only lived about 5 miles away.


Hiiii guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I though it was a big longer then the usual? But since you guys got me to 1K ill be double updating today! (:

Thank you soooooooOOOO much for 1K. I've never really gotten any of my stories past even 200 views so this is really awesome and maybe a little emotional omg

also their won't be anymore triggers? If there is there's not about one or two more but it won't be as bloody as this one was.


I love youuuuuu


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