Part Two: Makeup wipes and Secrets

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The sun was shining through the open window waking me up out of a deep, alcohol induced dream. I looked around the room, it certainly wasn't my flat in the middle of the city, it was far too large and far too quiet. I tried thinking back to the night before, I only remembered meeting a very attractive man, and drinking a lot of wine with Haz. I heard voices out in the hallway.

"Haz do you think she is awake yet?" A voice said.

"She's a lightweight, and the fact she drank almost an entire bottle of wine makes me think she is still out cold."

"Ugh, do you think she remembered last night?"

"Probably not, why?"

"I asked her if she wanted to get dinner with me later this week. If I have to ask her again, I'm going to need a lot of liquid courage."

You heard Haz laugh, "Good luck buddy. I'll text her and see if she is awake."

Your phone buzzed, a text from Haz popped up on the lock screen.

H: U up? Tommy boy wants to talk to you.

L: yes, do u have an Advil?

H: yea, I'll have tom bring it to you.

I sat up in the king size bed and ran your fingers through your long hair. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said. Tom walked in with Advil, a glass of water and makeup wipes.

"Gimme Gimme." I said making Tom laugh. He handed the stuff to me. I took the Advil and opened the package of makeup wipes, rubbing off all the makeup from last night. Tom sat at the end of the bed.

"How are you feeling, you had a ton of wine last night." He said a smile creeping on to his face.

"I don't remember much but I do remember having a lot of fun." I said throwing the makeup wipes in the trash can next to the night table.

"You started doing cartwheels across Haz's lawn, it was hilarious, and your form was pretty good given you had almost a whole bottle of wine in your system," Tom said laughing.

"About dinner, I would love to grab dinner with you." I said thinking back to the conversation you overheard.

"You remember that?" Tom said astonished.

"I heard you and Haz talking about it when I woke up."

"You heard that?!" Tom said, his voice pitching higher than it usually was.

"You guys need to practice whispering." I said laughing.

"Oh boy, what else did you hear?" Tom asked worry painting his face.

"Nothing else I swear, why?" I asked confused.

"Do you know about fourteen?" Tom asked.

"You mean Haz's secret fourteen?"

"Yeah, do you know it?"

"That is one of three secrets Haz said he won't ever tell me, do you know number fourteen?" I asked.

"Yeah, but he doesn't want anyone else knowing it."

"Wanna tell me?" I asked hoping for a little information.

"I can't Haz would murder me in cold blood if I told anyone, especially you. Ugh, I mean forget I even asked."

What could be so monumental that Haz wouldn't want to tell me, I am one of two of his best friends, I understand that everyone has things they don't want to tell anyone. But he told Tom so why didn't he tell me? I thought. I will get to the bottom of this, I will find out what secret number fourteen is.

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