♡Chapter 6♡

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Its been 4 weeks and i've been so so busy. iKON's schedule is so full they are also busy because they will be having a world tour and also they will join a 5 new variety show and we staffs are also busy preparing and fixing with their stuffs that will be used to their world tour and their clothes. Were on the Japan right now for their world tour concert.

"Gyuri! Can you bring their clothes?? They are just beside of our room Hurry they need to change quick!!" Seohyun said.

She gave me the clothes quickly and headed back to the dressing room to arrange more of their clothes.

I quickly headed to iKON's room. As soon as i get inside they were all eating but suddenly stopped because i entered without knocking.

"Oops sorry i didn't knock i'll just hang your clothes that you guys will use later" I said and headed to the their wardrobe.

"Its okay Gyuri ah! Its been a while since we talked" Donghyuk said.


"How are you tho Gyuri?" Yunhyeong asked.

"I'm fine its just i've been so busy these past few weeks" I said while putting their clothes properly.

"Come join us Noona we still have plenty of foods here" Chanwoo said.

I look to where they are and yep Chanwoo is right there are still plenty of food but is it okay? I'm just their staff...

"Uhh..I'm still full i'll just past and i have plenty of things to do" I said.

My stomach suddenly growls. Damn it!

"I see your full huh?" Jinhwan suddenly said without looking at me and still eating his pizza.

I suddenly feel nervous whenever he talks to me idk why... Maybe i should go to a doctor or something.

"Just eat with us for a little there are still some time to arrange everything" Hanbin said.

"And we don't want you to look hungry and tired" Bobby said.

"Alright.. Thanks for your concern" I smiled and headed to the couch were they are sitting after i put their clothes in a proper arrange on their wardrobe.

"You can just sit next to Jinhwan hyung since there's no more space" Junhoe said.

"H-huh? Okay.." Why did i suddenly stuttered!?

I sit next to Jinhwan and he moved for me to sit more on the couch.

"Grab some pizza and japchae noona!! Its very delicious!" Chanwoo said.


I grab some pizza after i placed it on my plate i want to grab some japchae too but its too far..

"Uhh Donghyuk can you give me some japchae i can't reach it"

"I'll get you some" Jinhwan grab the plate of the japchae and gave it to me.

"Thank you.."

"Woah Hyung your being gentlemen today" Bobby said and laughed.

Jinhwan just glared to Bobby.

"You two look together Hyung" Hanbin also teased Jinhwan.

I couldn't eat properly because of their teases to me and Jinhwan. Ugh seriously this dorks..

"Ehem!! Stop teasing them Jinhwan hyung is older than Gyuri" Donghyuk said.

"Your just jealous haha!" Bobby said.

"Ya!!" Donghyuk glared at Bobby but Bobby just laughed.

"Shut up!!" Jinhwan seriously said and everyone shuts their mouth and just continue eating and i eat quietly beside him too.


After we ate iKON prepare themselves for their concert and i went back to the other room where the other staffs.

"Gyuri where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere!" Seohyun quickly came to me.

"Uhh ikon invited me to eat with them after i finished putting their clothes on their wardrobe" I lowered my voice because some staff may think wrong or something because I'm close to iKON.

Seohyun puts her hands on her mouth.

"Omg really!?! Your a lucky staff because its just few that they were inviting with them to eat" Seohyun said.

"I guess so.." i just shrugged and just helped the other staff to prepare the mics and others.

"Hey Gyuri give the mics to them hurry up!" my co staff said and gave the mics to me.

I run quickly to the backstage where iKON is.

"Hey!!" they all look to me. Ugh this is tiring!

"Here's... Your.. Mics" I said while still catching my breath.

"Thanks Gyuri!" Yunhyeong said and grab his mic.

"Here have some water thanks for bringing our mics too" Donghyuk said and gave me the bottled water.

"Thank you" I smiled and bowed to him.

All of the members already got their mics except Jinhwan whose on the corner the stylist fixed his make up because he's already sweating. After the stylist fixed his make up i headed to him and gave his mic.

"Here's your mic.."

"Thanks.." Jinhwan said without looking at me.

"Uhh.. Fighting!!!" I said while gesturing the fighting sign. I don't know why i suddenly said fighting to him urgh what's wrong with you Gyuri!?

Jinhwan bite his lips and looked away.

"Thank you" And he left.

So that's it? What am i expecting tho... He will be cold to me as always... I just sighed. iKON is on the stage now.. i want to watch them perform but i still have so many things to do.

I headed back to the room where the other staffs at and help them clean the room and fixed the stuffs.

After we fixed everything our head staff said that we should all rest now and just wait until the concert finished.

I sit down on the couch and stretch myself.

"My back hurttssss~" Ugh what a tiring day!!

"Gyuri! Want to watch them perform?" Seohyun said.

"Maybe later.. I'm too tired and i want to sleep" I said and i layed down on the couch and my eyes are starting to close.

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