♡Chapter 16♡

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Its already the day that my parents will be going back here in Seoul and gladly its weekend so i don't need to take a leave on my work. I headed to the airport my parents texted me and said they will arrive at the airport exactly 1 pm. I texted Jinhwan about this.

Gyuri: I'm at the airport now! :)

Jinaniiii: Okay take care and text me if your home now.


I quickly turned my head when i heard a familiar voice. I quickly ran to them and hugged them tight.

"Eomma!! Appa!!! I missed you so much!!" I said as i hugged them tight. My tears starts to flow because i really missed them so much!

"Ya.. Our daughter became more pretty!!" My father said and caress my hair.

"Gyuri ah what's with the tears? Do you miss us that much?" My mom said and chuckled as she wipe my tears.

I nodded and smiled brightly to them. I noticed that they became more older and their hair are starting to be white especially my dad.

"Let's go home now since our flight took 10 hours and it get delayed but its fine now as long as were here now" My mom said and sighed.

I helped them bring their stuff inside the taxi and after we put it we headed inside.

"How are you eomma? Appa?" I said as i put my hands on my dad's arm and rested my head on his shoulder. God i missed them so much!

"Were fine our company is back to normal and the problem is already fixed and guess what?" My mom said.


"Your father promoted to a higher position!!!" My mom said excitedly. I smiled widely and clapped my hands.

"Congrats appa!!" My dad chuckled and pinch my nose.

"Oh! By the way i got promoted too!! I'm a manager now!!" I said excitedly.

"Aigoo my daughter keep it up araso?" My mom smiled. I nodded and smiled back to her.

"Are they treating you well there?" My dad said.

"Yep! Don't worry about it!"

"Ah Gyuri ah who are you handling by the way?" My mom asked.

"iKON" I smiled brightly.

"Jinjja!?! Omg! I need to take a picture with them before we head back again to US!" My mom said and squeezed my dad's arm that made him irritated a bit.

"Yeobeo who do you love more? Those iKON or me?" My dad said.

"Hmm I love them but i love you more pabo! If i didn't love you then what's the purpose of us getting married and having a daughter?" My mom said and chuckled and kissed my Dad's cheeks. I laughed to their sillyness. It feels so good having your parents with you again.

When we got home my mom and dad rest since they are so tired to their flight. I told them that i need to go to a cafe to arranged iKON's schedule for this upcoming week before i left the apartment. Gladly my apartment is big and has 2 rooms since my mom and dad brought my apartment.

When i arrived at the cafe i ordered cappuccino hazelnut first before i sit down and placed my laptop on the table.

Sajangnim already gave me what iKON will do this upcoming week so i just need to arrange it.

After 2 hour i finished arranging their schedule and quickly sent it to sajangnim. I stretched myself and sighed in relief. I checked the time and its already 5 pm. I decided to text Jinhwan to see how's he doing right now.

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