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Don't even think about for one second will I ever get out behind bars. It's very reasonable if you ask me...well if I could talk that is. I'm a massive murder that will slash you into bitter pieces. I use to feel two emotions sad and rage. My mom was a slut and would abuse me day and night. My father was with another woman to drag them into our home. But I was far to having enough of this act to go any further. I began to snap and kill them in a single blow and was sentenced to prison for 20 years.

I am now 24 years old and here I am today staring at a wall and ceiling. Bored expression upon my face that I never found any happiness only the rage to feel my soul. That was until I saw....him.I felt a new feeling to watch him perform sing his songs to feed me by my heart. As if I ever have one at that. The charming feature and title of his name that cause me to smile under my mask face. I want him...I want to be with him...He made me smile for the first time in forever. I learned everything about him but the way others treat me made me very angry. I promise when I get out here I will be by his side and protect him for any neccesaary reasons. Michael. Will Be.Mine.

Alejandro (Michael Jackson Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora