Chapter 11

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Awl - Part 2

The group were on the road again, while on the phone to Riley who was trying to track down a doctor. 

"Hey, Mac, our patient still alive?" Riley asked. 

"And kicking," Mac said back. Jack started to play with the radio putting on country music.

"No! Do not play country music on my radio," Ralph said," It's an affront to everything this car stands for."

"Oh, is that right?" Jack said, " Well, unless you figured out how to connect D-77 spending to the location of their next attack, it's country music all the way home." 

Ralph started to complain even more at that, if he wasn't careful Cameron was going to put him to sleep. 

"Hey, Jack, I reckon you should turn it up to the max," Cameron said smirking at Ralph. 

"I told you, they draw lump sums to a Cayman account," Ralph said, funny thing was Cameron actually believed him when  he said he didn't know anything, "I don't know where it goes from there, all right?" Cameron made eye contact with Jack through the review mirror and gave him a slight nod saying that she believed him. 

"Any luck finding a doctor?" Mac asked Riley. Cameron lent forward between the two front seats, so she could be involved in the conversation. 

"Tracked down the best doctor on the island," Riley said," Which wasn't easy since it's his day off. Got a lock on his cell signal." 

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa. No," Ralph exclaimed, " 'Best on the island' doesn't mean much. How many yelp stars does he have?" 

"If you don't shut up, you're gonna be seeing yelp stars," Cameron said scaring the guy into silence, to which Cameron smiled satisfied with her work, while Jack and Mac just shake their heads at the women. 

"All right, I'm sending you a video of Ralph's wounds so the doctor can take a look," Mac said, Cameron looked back at the boys. 

"Sweet. Not at all gross," Riley said sarcastically, "Thanks for giving me absolutely no warning." Cameron laughed slightly, causing Mac to look at her to which she only shrugged. Riley continued to talk but Cameron zoned out noticing people coming up behind them.

"Hey, guys we got snipers on our tail," Cameron said. The group in the car ducked as bullets started flying past the car. 

"Hang on," Jack said as the car swerved, Jack trying to avoid them being hit by any bullets. 

"Faster would be good," Mac said to Jack. 

"I'm flooring it. This car sucks," Jack said, Cameron rolled down her window, and stuck her arm and head out of the window so she could shoot at the snipers. 

"Cam, get back in the car," Mac said as he held onto Cameron best he could from the front seat.

"Mac, you better have a plan," Cameron said watching as the snipers gained on them. 

"You making a bomb? Cause if you're making a bomb that would be awesome," Jack said to Mac as he watched the blonde take apart the headrest. "Wait, Shouldn't you be throwing the bomb? Why aren't you throwing it?" 

"Because it's not a bomb," Mac said lighting the paper inside the headrest, "The headrest is made of flame resistant foam, so it'll never burn, but it'll smoke like crazy." 

"Great," Cameron said, "Hey maybe we should talk about some short term goals, cause now I think you're just making it easier for them to tail us." Cameron watched through the back window as the snipes continued to get closer. Cameron held onto the back of Mac's trousers as he hung out of the window  letting all the smoke out. 

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