Chapter 31

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Cameron's Outfit for this Chapter is above. Sorry this Chapter took so long to get up, I haven't been in the best place lately and really haven't had any time to write or any motivation to do it. Hopefully it won't take as long to be the next chapter up but who knows.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.


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Having just celebrated her birthday, Christmas was right around the corner. Cameron didn't have any plans this year, but she was hoping for a Christmas where they didn't have to work a case. As Bozer had taken over the kitchen and Cameron wanted some peace and quiet, the blonde was currently sat in the war room going through some of the things she had found on Jamie's phone. Some may call that snooping, Cameron would call it being cautious and not enjoying being lied to. Cameron was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn't notice Mac walk into the room until he sat down next to her.

"Hey," Mac said, "What you doing?"

Cameron sighed shutting her laptop, "Nothing." Mac looked at the girl with raised eyebrows, "Okay, I was snooping through Jamie's phone."

"Cam," Mac sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"He's lying about something Mac," Cameron exclaimed, "You saw how he reacted the other day. There is something that he's not telling me and I'm gonna find out what it is."

The two blonde's sat in silence for a few minutes, Mac kept glancing at Cameron's hopeful face.

"Okay, fine, I'll help you, Okay," Mac gave in, "I just don't want you getting hurt."

Cameron grinned at Mac, his heart fluttering as he looked at her. Cameron continued to look at Mac noticing him start to lean in slightly. Mac's eyes glanced down slightly as he continued to lean in. The two jumped apart as Mac's phone began to ring. The blonde man cussed in his head as he answered. Cameron leant back turning towards her laptop and opening it, but not fully focusing on what she was looking at.

"Yeah, I'm with Cam," Mac paused," We'll be right there."

"Cameron looks over at Mac, "What is it?"

"Riley's gone," Mac explained, "We've got to get back to the house."

"What do you mean gone?" Cameron asked as the two left the war room heading for Cameron's car.

"I don't know," Mac said, "According to Bozer she was there one minute, he stepped out to do something, went back in and she was gone."


Mac and Cameron where now back at their house they tried to understand what happened.

"Okay so run me through what happened again," Cameron said as she stood in front of Bozer her arms crossed over her chest with Mac standing next to her.

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