Cheaters Never Prosper

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The following week, on Raw, Sasha and Bayley were in Sasha's locker room, discussing a potential way to get back at Alexa. Bayley came up with a thought and explained it to Sasha.

Sasha: So, about this plan of yours, Bayley...

Bayley: It's simple, really. Seth's gonna try and flirt with Alexa, right in front of Anthony. Seth told me that Alexa had a thing for him a while back, and he also said that she found him 'irresistable' back then, so hopefully, she won't be able to resist his advances. Then Anthony will break up whatever he has going with Alexa, and that should leave you free to try and pick up the pieces.

Sasha: But... what if he doesn't want me? 

Bayley: Well, that's the risk we're taking in going through with this. So, you wanna do it or not?

Sasha had to think for a few moments and take a deep breath before giving her answer.

Sasha: I guess... come on, let's go see Seth.

They then made their way to catering, where their plan looked to be already in motion, as Alexa was sitting with Seth, and looked to be acting all flirty around him. Bayley then got her phone out and filmed them both, as Alexa slowly leaned in towards Seth and kissed him, with Seth kissing back. Alexa wasn't aware that she was being caught in the act, while Bayley and Sasha raised a cheeky smile at one another as they made their way to gorilla.

Sasha: So, did you get it?

Bayley: Oh, I've got it alright. Alexa won't know what hit her...

Sasha: Nice idea of yours to film them, by the way...

Bayley: I thought we might need it, just incase Ant doesn't believe it at first.

The girls then felt a hand grasp them on each of their shoulders, and they slowly turned around to see Anthony, dressed in his ring gear, all set for his match.

Bayley: Oh... Hey, Anthony...

Both Bayley and Sasha had a slight hint of guilt on their faces, thinking he had rumbled their plan. But instead of talking to them and confronting them, he simply walked right past and headed out for his match against Heath Slater, displaying his character's persona. The girls then breathed a massive sigh of relief. Their plan was still in motion, for now.

Bayley: My god, I now know what you see in him, he's quite attractive.

Sasha just gave her best friend an 'are you kidding me' look, and then smirked at her.

Sasha: You've already got Finn, Anthony's mine. I just hope he sees it, one day...

Bayley: You're persistent, I'll give you that...

Meanwhile, after he had absolutely demolished Heath Slater, Anthony was making his way back to his locker room, when he saw Sasha and Bayley talking. Feeling a bit guilty from their previous encounter, he decided it was only right for him to go and apologise.

Anthony: Hey, Sash, do you mind if I have a word?

Sasha: Sure.

Anthony: I mean, in private.

Sasha: Oh, erm... okay then. Bay, do you mind?

Bayley: No worries, I'll catch you in a bit.

Bayley then left, giving a wink to Sasha as she walked off.

Sasha: So, what's up?

Anthony: I just... wanted to say sorry for what happened last week between me, you and Alexa. I shouldn't have reacted like that.

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