Party Crasher Who's A Backstabber

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Soon, the 4 then arrived at Anthony's place, where everyone was waiting for them. As soon as Sasha opened the door, everyone shouted "SURPRISE!!!".

Sasha: Oh wow, this is amazing!

Anthony: No kidding...

Everywhere they looked the place was covered in decorations. Pink for a potential girl, and blue for a boy. After greeting everyone, the 4 then made their way to where the balloons were, each one filled with different coloured confetti. Since she was further along in her pregnancy, Bayley went first with her moment.

Everyone: 3... 2... 1...

Out popped blue confetti, signalling they were having a boy and everyone cheered for Bayley and Finn as they hugged before handing the pin over to Sasha. But before she revealed the genders, she said a few words first.

Sasha: Wow... I just can't thank everyone enough for being here to share this amazing moment with us. And it's amazing for more reasons than one...

Everyone looked a little confused as to what Sasha was saying, before she eventually revealed the secret.

Sasha: You see, me and Anthony aren't just expecting one baby... not even two... there are 3 little bundles of fun inside here!

Everyone cheered for them as Anthony poked her baby bump.

Anthony: So, with that...

Just before the genders were going to be revealed, there was a knock on the door, which Anthony answered. And he was shocked to see who it was.

Anthony: Alexa? What are you doing here?

Alexa: Crashing this so called party.

She then strode with confidence towards Sasha.

Alexa: So... triplets, huh?

Sasha: What does it matter to you?

Alexa: Just the fact that it should be me and not you with Anthony's baby. Or in this case, babies.

Sasha: And why's that?

Alexa: Because he loves me more than you...

Sasha looked at Anthony's facial expression, and it told the whole story. He just smiled at Alexa and laughed in her face.

Anthony: Wow... and here's me thinking you'd learnt your lesson from before... well, newsflash, Alexa. You weren't the girl I waited 10 years for. You're not the one who's carrying my babies. And you're not the girl love. You never will be.

He then backed off and kissed Sasha, to the cheers of everyone. Alexa was furious, and as she left, she shouted.

Alexa: This isn't over, Anthony! You'll be mine again... if it's the last thing I do!!!

She then left, leaving a look of curiosity on nearly everyone's face. Anthony then looked at Sasha and kissed her, with Sasha smiling into the kiss.

Sasha: She's just jealous... that you're mine.

Anthony: And I always will be... I'm never leaving you. Anyway, on with the show! Now, the genders of our babies are...

Sasha popped all the balloons quickly, with 2 being pink and the other being blue.

Seth: 2 girls and a boy?!

Anthony couldn't wipe the smile off his face.

Anthony: Yeah! I can't believe it either...

They then partied long and hard into the night, and after everyone had left, it just left  Sasha and Bayley in bed, fast asleep, and their men looking over them.

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