Family Is The Most Important Thing

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Another two weeks had passed, and Sasha's baby bump was beginning to become visible, as was Bayley's. Both of them, along with Anthony, were watching Raw, as Seth and Finn were going for the Raw Tag Team Championship against AOP.

Anthony: So, Bay, I assume you want Finn to win?

Bayley: Part of me does, but another part of me doesn't.

Sasha: I think I know where this is going...

Bayley: You see, with me now a few months into my own pregnancy, I keep thinking about how good it would be for Finn to be with me, cos I can't do this on my own...

They watched as AOP then hit Finn and Seth with the Super Collider, then Seth with The Last Chapter, and won the match.

Jojo: Here are your winners, and still Raw Tag Team Champions, AOP!

All three looked on as Bayley had a little smile on her face.

Sasha: You should tell him to be with you, it's now or never.

Bayley: Yeah, I'll give him a call...

She went off to have a moment of privacy, while Sasha snuggled up with Anthony.

Anthony: Everything okay?

Sasha: Yeah, still a little shocked about having triplets... I'm excited as well though.

Anthony: I'm just as surprised as you. There is one thing I'm curious about...

Sasha: Which is?

Anthony: Do you honestly think I'm ready to be a dad? I mean, I'm only 27, I've got my life and career ahead of me...

Sasha put a finger on his lips to stop him talking.

Sasha: Just calm yourself, baby. I personally think you're gonna be a great dad to these babies...

Anthony: Thanks babe, I needed that.

Sasha: No worries, I know you did. Besides, I'm curious about something too.

Anthony: Oh really?

Sasha: Yeah, I mean... how should we announce the triplets? So far, us, Bayley and Finn are the only ones that know.

Anthony: Hmm... I think I may have an idea...

Just then, Bayley emerged with a smile on her face.

Bayley: Great news! Finn said he's gonna be  home from now on, he spoke with Hunter and gave him the time off.

Sasha: That's great, Bay!

She then sat back down in between the two on the sofa, and put an arm around both their shoulders.

Bayley: So, what were you guys talking about?

Anthony: Just about how we should announce that Sasha's having triplets...

Bayley thought for a second before coming up with an idea.

Bayley: Well, how about that joint gender reveal party you were thinking of a while back? Besides, you two are the only other people who know me and Finn are having a boy.

Anthony: Nice idea, we can invite our closest friends and... family...

The girls then noticed he trailed off when he said family. Anthony hadn't seen or heard from his family since he left for Japan, 4 and a half years ago. He then got up and stared out the window, up at the night sky.

Sasha: Anthony? You okay?

Anthony: Yeah... yeah, I'm fine... it's just... I haven't seen or heard from my family for over 4 years... when I left for Japan...

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