Is This A Dream?

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Sasha: Bay, what do you think of this?

Bayley read the message Anthony had sent to Sasha and she went wide eyed.

Bayley: Personally, I think this could be something serious... I mean, maybe you might finally have your chance with him...

Sasha: I hope so...

Bayley: Then you two can come on double dates with me and Finn!

They both laughed the rest of the night as they went to bed, feeling cheerful. While Bayley was dreaming in her sleep and smiling, Sasha could not sleep as Anthony had invaded her mind.

Sasha: Maybe now is my chance...

A few days later, Sasha was getting ready for her meeting with Anthony at Starbucks. The other horsewomen were there to support her before she goes.

Charlotte: So he messaged you to meet up, but won't explain why? Bit weird, if you ask me...

Becky: Well, The Man thinks you've definitely got a shot with this guy. After what I've been told happened with Alexa, it wouldn't surprise me if he wanted to find someone new...

Bayley: And let's not forget, there must have been a reason why he kissed you the other night, backstage at Raw.

Sasha: You're right, girls. I mean, this could be my chance to make up for what happened 10 years ago...

Thoughts of that night invaded her mind once more, and the girls all hugged her as they noticed tears welling up in her eyes.

Becky: We're all with ya, Sash. Now go get your man.

She then took a deep breath and nodded with confidence before heading down the lift and off to Starbucks. On the way, she got a text from Anthony.

Anthony: I'm at Starbucks now, you on your way?

Sasha: Yep, I'm coming now, will be there soon!

She got to Starbucks 10 minutes later, with Anthony waiting outside, having his coffee.

Anthony: Hey, Sash...

Sasha: Hey Ant, lemme just grab a drink real quick...

Not 5 minutes later, Sasha returned with an iced trapped in hand and took her seat, opposite him.

Sasha: So, Ant, what's the problem?

Anthony: It's... about what happened between us the other day, backstage.

Sasha: Is this about the... kiss? Cos if it is, I've been wanting to say something to you about it too.

Anthony: In a way, yeah, it is.

He took a deep breath before explaining himself.

Anthony: That kiss... felt amazing. Better than Alexa, without a doubt. It made me... feel something I haven't felt in a long time...

Sasha felt like she was going to explode as she was feeling so many different emotions at once, before she carried on listening to him.

Anthony: ...and you see, the thing is, I like you, Sash. As in more than friends. And I'm hoping you'll say yes to this question... Sasha, will you be my girlfriend?

Sasha smiled and also held back a few tears as she gasped when he asked the question.

Sasha: Oh my god Anthony, yes! Yes I will!

Anthony had a smile as wide as the ocean when she said yes. Sasha then pulled him in for a passionate kiss which lasted a few minutes before she pulled away and they smiled at each other.

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