A Team Of Two Generations

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The next few weeks would come and go, with Elimination Chamber being a great success. The IIconics were now the Women's Tag Team Champions, Braun Strowman was Universal Champion, The Revival beat AOP, and turned face to win the Raw Tag Team Championship, and in a very surprising debut, Aleister Black had debuted at the Royal Rumble and beat Baron Corbin for the Intercontinental Championship after Corbin won a tournament concluding at Clash of Champions back in December.

It was now March 17th, the night of Fastlane, and unbeknownst to everyone, Anthony had planned to return on his own accord tonight. He knew that Vince would be there as the chairman had announced on the previous Raw that he promised to reveal a secret to everyone tonight. After Sami Zayn beat Rey Mysterio for the US Championship, Vince then came out to his music and got in the ring.

Vince: Now... I did say that tonight I would reveal a secret to the world. And here it is. You may remember that a few months back, our very own Anthony Jenkins was stabbed and left for dead. And we were all wondering was behind it. Well, look no further...

He basked in the boos, which then turned to cheers as the titantron cut to a locker room door, which was then kicked down... by none other than Anthony himself. Anthony looked more pissed off than before, and when he looked down at the camera, he spoke.

Anthony: I know. I KNOW IT WAS YOU, VINCE!

Vince was in shock as his secret was revealed. The crowd then erupted as a hooded Anthony made his way out and stood on the stage.

Vince: Okay, okay... I admit it... I planned it. I planned the whole thing. Truth be told, Mr Jenkins, I never wanted you here. It was my son-in-law, Hunter, that really wanted you. In my eyes, you never deserved a chance here in WWE. So I had AJ and Alexa work together to try and end you, as I didn't want to get my hands dirty...

Anthony then raised his hand and the Silent Assassin spoke.

Anthony: Enough. Enough of this. You don't want me here? Then put your money where your mouth is, and have your phenomenal asshat, AJ Styles, face me at Wrestlemania.

Vince: Tell you what... I'll go one better. As the chairman, I'll select a partner for AJ, and you select a partner for yourself... and we meet at Wrestlemania. If you win, then I will agree to step down as chairman of WWE for my actions. However... if my team wins... YOU'RE FIRED!

As the crowd did the Yes chant, Anthony looked at the crowd as he didn't need a second thought. He then lowered his hood and gave Vince his answer for the proposal.

Anthony: Vince... be careful what you wish for... because you might just get it. You're on.

As he turned away, Vince tried to low blow Anthony, but was then met with a superkick to the face. The Silent Assassin then knelt down and spoke.

Anthony: One year ago, I tamed the Beast... and this year... the king will relinquish his throne. You'll meet my partner tomorrow night on Raw. See you there.

He then rolled out of the ring and raised his hood back up as he walked up the ramp, never looking back at the carnage he had created. When he got to his locker room, he was met by Sasha, and the other 3 horsewomen.

Anthony: Hey baby...

The two kissed before the others surrounded them for a group hug. As Becky and Bayley pulled away, Charlotte didn't.

Anthony: Char? You okay?

Charlotte: Yeah, I'm fine... it's just... for so long, I refused to believe it was AJ... he's no longer the man for me.

Anthony: You mean...

Charlotte: Yeah, me and him split. It was a while back, but I just didn't wanna burden anybody with my problems, especially you and Sasha. You were expecting at the time...

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