Don't Mess With Us...

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Sasha: You not heard from her either?

Anthony: Nope...

It had been 3 days since Bayley disappeared and now, Sasha and Anthony were beginning to get worried about her, as was Bayley's boyfriend, Finn.

Finn: Any luck, you two?

Anthony: Nope, sorry bro.

Sasha: This has Alexa and that weirdo Alex written all over it... remember, we told her to keep an eye on them for us...

Anthony: Yeah, I feel really guilty...

They both sat next to Finn and consoled him, as he  was just staring at the ground.

Finn: It's okay, guys, I don't blame you... I blame that bitch Alexa and her boytoy... rest assured they'll get what's coming to them...

Just then, they got a facetime call... from the one person they didn't want to talk to.

Alexa: Hey, Finn, Sasha, Anthony.

Finn: Alexa... what have you done with my girlfriend?

Sasha: My best friend...

Alexa: I wouldn't worry... she's right here...

She moved out of the screen to reveal Bayley tied up and gagged to a pole. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Finn, Sasha and Anthony.

Bayley: Mmmph!

Sasha & Anthony: Bayley!

Finn: Bayley, babe! You okay? Where are you?

She nodded and managed to shrug her shoulders in reply, as Alex slowly walked into view, behind Bayley.

Alex: Where we are doesn't matter to you... but we do have something else in mind that does concern you. And that's this Sunday, concerning all your matches at Wrestlemania.

Anthony: So, the Universal Title match, the Raw Women's Title match, and Finn's Intercontinental title match. What about them?

Alex: What we want... is for Sasha and you to not be involved in the matches. Pull out, and you can have Bayley back. If not, she'll be staying right where she is. You've got until Sunday morning to decide.

Alexa then hung up the call, and left Sasha, Finn and Anthony pondering their next move.

Sasha: They really want us to back out? After we worked our backsides to get where we are and win our Rumble matches? AND after what happened at Elimination Chamber?

Anthony: Seems that way...

He sighed before getting up and thinking of an idea.

Anthony: I didn't think it would come to this... but I might have no other option. I think I might have to cash in a favour from an old friend I know...

Finn: So what do we do in the meantime?

Anthony: We play along with their plan, pretend to give up our title spots, and that's when we strike, with this favour I'm calling in.

Sasha: Any clues as to who your 'old friend' is?

Anthony: All I'm saying is... they will know better than to mess with the Godslayer...

Saturday Night...

Anthony was on the phone, talking to his old friend, as he called him when Sasha was around.

Anthony: Okay, so your contracts all sorted? And you'll definitely be there tomorrow?!... Awesome, see you there, bro!

Sasha: Everything ok, boo-boo?

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