Top Of The Mountain

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Sasha had special gear for her match, as she would be wearing all black as a little surprise for her boyfriend. When she made her entrance for her match with Alexa and Ronda, Anthony was in shock backstage.

Anthony: Holy... she looks stunning!

Xander: No kidding, bro. She looks gorgeous. You're one lucky man!

Anthony laughed slightly as Sasha did the title motion before pointing to the camera.

Sasha: This one's for you, boo! LOVE YOU!!!

Anthony then went wide eyed as to what she said to the camera.

Xander: Looks like you've got yourself a keeper there, Ant.

He didn't say anything, as he just observed the match. Alexa came out next, half worried, half anxious. Even though she had an opportunity to win back the title, she couldn't get what happened to her boyfriend, Alex Auditore earlier out of her head. When she got in the ring, she immediately got in Sasha's face.

Alexa: I will never forget what happened tonight. Just you wait...

She then got in her own corner as Ronda then made her way to the ring, title around her waist. Her smile as she made her way down the ramp soon turned into a straight, evil face. She stared down at her two opponents, as Sasha did the same. Alexa on the other hand, wasn't so confident. She had faced both women before for the title, but never both at the same time.

As the bell rang, Sasha and Ronda wasted no time going for an offence on Alexa, forming a temporary alliance. Once they were satisfied Alexa had been taken out for the time being, they then focused on each other.

Ronda: Let's give them what they came for...

Sasha: You got it...

They locked horns, with Ronda's MMA background coming into its own, using a varied amount of throws and punches, but Sasha held her own, and got some offence of her own in, first hitting Ronda with a meteora from the top, and then the rope trap double knees to her midsection. Just as she was gonna line her up for the Bank Statement, Alexa tried a roll up on her, to which Sasha kicked out of immediately. Alexa then noticed that Sasha stood in the middle of the ring, emotionless. She went after Alexa with a vicious attack, including crushing Alexa's arm with a chair onto steel steps.

Ronda then saw an opening and she quickly got Alexa back in the ring for a pin, but Sasha then literally pulled Ronda out of the ring, sent her face first into the steps, grabbed some handcuffs from underneath and then cuffed Ronda to the ringpost. She then went back to Alexa, who had barely moved. Sasha then locked in Anthony's submission, Fading Light, on Alexa's injured arm, as a message to both her and Alex. Alexa was writhing in pain, and Sasha pulled tighter on her injured arm, causing Alexa to finally tap.

Jojo: Here is your winner, and NEW Raw Women's Champion... Sasha Banks!

Sasha then kicked Alexa's limp body out of the ring as she was handed the title, and looked into the eyes of Ronda, who was furiously pulling at her cuffs, trying to get out.

Ronda: You son of a...

Sasha then kicked her in the face, to the crowd's delight. She had definitely made her mark on both Ronda and Alexa.

As she went backstage, Anthony was the first person to congratulate her on her win.

Anthony: Babe, what can I say? You tore it down out there! Cuffing Ronda to the post? Genius! And you did a real number on Alexa! She'll know not to mess with us in future!

Sasha: Well, I feel different. Like a new woman! It's almost like I turned into another version of you.

Anthony: Maybe the gear had something to do with it! I love it!

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