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(Zoey's POV)

I let go from his hug, wiped my tears off and went to go wash my arm from the blood, but Colby stopped me. "Hey, I'm worried, please just talk to me." He says in a soft comforting voice. I nod my head, and we both lay in my pathetic excuse of a bed that's halfway unpacked. He grabs my hand and interlocks fingers. My mood instantly boosted. he's so cute and protective. I really love this. Before I even get to start he asks, "how long have you..yknow done this.." as he spots my other scars.
"It's been happening for a couple of years now" I confess.
"Can I see everywhere you've done it?" He asks, he seems curious, but mainly worried.
"Um they're everywhere" i stand up and proceed to take my shirt and pants off. I'm just standing here in my underwear with every scar exposed. Colby looks up at me, I can see tears starting to fill his eyes. I jump into the bed, "no don't cry, please. I'm getting better"
"Why would you wanna do this to yourself?"
"I..I guess I hate myself." I try wiping Colby's tears away. he just took me into a big hug.
"Who did this to you?"
"What?!" I ask, does he know what...brennen did?
"Who made you hate yourself. Who pushed this bullshit into your brain?"
"it's a long story.."
"I have time."
I rubbed off the makeup covering the hickeys and bruises brennen gave me. "Brennen..." I say not wanting to know what will happen next.
"What? Brennen did this to you?" Colby checks out my neck looking closer into what marks were on me, "Zoey..I'm sorry. You don't deserve this, it actually hurts that brennen would do something like this. What a fucking cunt"
I just sit there in silence. I get up. Put my pants on, and looking for a sweater to hide them. "Ugh where are they?!"
Colby looks up at me, "Zoey, what are you looking for?" He gets up and starts helping me look.
"A sweater. I don't want to look at my ugly fucking arms"
Colby leaves as I'm still looking, about a minute later he comes back with one of his take chances sweaters. "I don't wear this one anymore. You can have it." He says reassuring me. I put the sweater on and it looked huge! we both laughed at how it looks on me. but I love it. It smells just like him.

We ended up spending the rest of the night watching tv. Colby wanted to stay with me to make sure I was safe. God I love that man.

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