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(time stamp, about like a week later)
(colby's pov)
"hey guys what's going on it's sam & colby, today we are joined by corey, and jake!"

"uh colby, so what's the plan? why are we at your pool?" corey asks

"welll...it's been highly requested to do a truth or strip! i've asked you guys on twitter what things you want to know about us, and if we can't answer the question truefully we have to strip down one piece of clothing."
10 minutes later
"uh colby, have you and zoey hooked up yet? and if you haven't when are you planning on it?" sam asks knowing that i get embarrassed about subjects like that.

"yknow, maybe not actually. how about i strip down..again" i say

"colby, no. you're not getting naked. we will leave." jake says cause i'm only in my underwear.

"ha well guess what! i just stripped!" i say taking off a singular sock, "gotcha there!" i say laughing.

(sams pov)
we had to wrap up the video real quick because the girls were on there way home and they can't run into this yet. after we filmed our outro i grab colby to my room, "so, you and zoey haven't like..hooked up yet?"

"sam! ugh stopppp, if i want to tell you i will!" he says putting his shirt back on.
i roll my eyes at him, "okay fine, i want to. but only if she's ready. i think we're ready. but how do we talk about this? i'm scared if i just come at her like that with everything that happened with brennen will relapse in her."

"colby..she loves you. i don't think she'll be scared of you. but just bring it up, ask her if she's ready."

"yeah, she shouldn't be scared of me but when i got..uhm yeah i thought i was ready. i thought i moved on. but i didn't, i wasn't ready. what happened was just..traumatizing. it changed me."

"colbs, i get that. and i'm sorry. if i could've done anything different i would've. you know that. and no ones gonna do that to you again, and you aren't going to do that to zoey. she knows that." sam explains. bringing me into a hug. the girls came home and we greeted them at the door, jake, corey & devyn went out to do something. but before that i caught zoey and devyn talking in zoey's room,

zoey's pov

"okay. zo, i bought you these awhile ago and you haven't used them yet?!" devyn says, shocked.

"it's a long process, i want to, but i heard something from sam about what had happened, and i don't want to push it on him. plus i don't know if i could handle it."

"but..when we were out you seemed all for it?" devyn continues to make me feel like shit even though she has no idea what i'm feeling now

"yknow what, yeah i was about it but now i'm not. sorry i failed you."

"zoey..stop being like this."

" oh my god. i really wish i could, devyn. i wish i could stop being so fucked up." i say feeling tears start, devyn storms out of my room and tells corey she'll be at her place.
why? i've told her about this, i've told her who i am and what i'm struggling with. why can't she understand that? ugh fuck. i lay in my bed listening to the saddest songs & audios i could to make me feel even worse. i like feeling shitty, it's my so called "safe space". my depressed emotions were always there for me when no one else was...
was it really my fault that brennen did what he did, i mean, if i wasn't in the shape i was then maybe he wouldn't have done it. why am i so just fucked up? i didn't ask to be this way! it's all my fault, i snapped at one of my best friends. oh no. fuck..
"zoey are you okay?" colby says knocking on my door opening it without permission
"shit colby." i say startled at his entrance.

"are you okay.?" he says, rubbing the tears off my face,

"yeah, i'm fine." i say wiping the tears off and taking a nice inhale.

"are you sure? you and devyn seemed to have a big fight..i kinda listened in." colby says, reaching for my sleeve

"shit it's not what you think" i say quickly pulling my arm out of his grip,

"zoey, you can talk to me about this, i need to make sure you're safe, what's going on?" he says, again reaching for my wrist, slowly pulling up the sleeve, i allow him to do so. tears flow down my face like a waterfall. i look away scared of his reaction, "awh zo, again? i thought you were doing really well. look at me, what happened?" he says in the softest voice i ever heard. i take my wrist back and just start crying into his nice warm body. "it's okay, you don't have to tell me now, but i'd like to know, because i care about you. and if you don't want me telling anyone that's okay, i just have to keep you." he says into my shoulder.
i take a big breathe, and let myself out of his chest.

"okay..i love you colby. thank you..for everything...are you sure you want to know?"

"yeah, girlie you need someone to reach out to and i'm here for you. i can listen, i'm always going to be here. i'm always going to want to listen to you. no matter what the situation is."

"um..okay so..remember those fucked messages devyn sent you from my phone? like the whole 'what's your size' thing?"

"yeah..it was honestly so funny."

"um well she bought me condoms in case you and i ever...yknow..needed them.." i pause, take a deep breathe and lay on my bed, colby joins me and i put my head on his chest. "and then today she came over and was so in her head about us doing it that she got pissed i didn't use them...and i don't quite know if i'm ready yet..ever since brennen..and i don't know if you're ready. so i wasn't just gonna push it on us for her approval. she didn't take my feelings into consideration, and i snapped."

"yeah, i understand that. but why would you think i'm not ready?"

"well, um sam said that you had something that you went through that was just like me.."

"ohh yeah. chelsea.. it was nothing really. i just got drunk and we kinda just like did it & i had no idea about it. then she leaked a video of us, so that was when we decided to move to L.A. but i'm kinda over it now. i have you, that's all i need to think about." he says kissing my forehead.

"oh..i'm really sorry about that. you know i wouldn't do anything like that. that's really fucked." i say a little spooked that someone would do something like that.

"it's all good. it's in the past, i got away from her so she can't do anything now, thank you for telling me this." he says, smiling at me. i lean over and kiss him.

"is that it..? there's nothing else going on?" he asks once more

"no, that was just it." i lie. there was something else going on. brennen, he still makes me feel like it's all my fault. it's all him, he can't keep his hands off of me even though i told him he can't have me. he still finds me. then he assaults me, then blames it all on me. i'm so fucked up because of him. i'm not worth it. i'm not worth this life. they finally had started trusting him again, then he pulls this shit off. i've broken colby & brennens amazing friendship. why me.

colby leaves me to get ready for bed, he then comes back and we end up passing out watching a movie-i forgot the name, but it was really good. i want to maybe see if i can go film with them tomorrow, or make my own channel & film something.

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