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i got up really early and colby wasn't beside me. i walked downstairs in my shorts and one of colbys long shirts, i see sam, colby, and corey all just chilling downstairs. they look like they're gonna start recording, "what are ya guys up to? it's like 8 how are you all dressed and everything so early?" i say yawning and sitting on top of the island where everyone is. "we're going to film a video. we're going down to the beach, just like a daily thing. want to come?" corey says.

"uh sure, why not? can i get ready first?" i say giggling.

"yeah i have to finish getting ready also,"

"hm sure corey, what do ya gotta do hmm? does my little corey need a haircut?" i say in a baby voice, he hates me teasing him about his hair but i do anyways.
corey and i walk up the stairs and get ready. "zoey i'm super happy you're coming with us, i was kinda worried you were just getting too attached to colby, or just liked being by yourself..and there's nothing wrong with that. but i'm happy you're getting friends!" corey says bringing me into his bear hugs.

"yeah! but i mean i chill with kat, and i used to chill with devyn but i don't really know what we are."

"oh yeah..i heard about the fight. i'm sure you guys will figure something out. you guys had a close bond. devyn can overreact a bit sometimes." he says reassuring me, "you'll be fine, don't worry."
corey and i walk down the stairs and he pretends to push me down the stairs, "corey! nooo not again." i say joking with him, "i need my wrist to not be broken thank you" i say laughing.

"bro it wasn't even my fault. if you wouldn't have fallen on your wrist you wouldn't have broken it."

"ha! corey if you didn't push me then maybe i wouldn't have broken it in the first place!" we scream at eachother laughing, remembering good memories.

"oh? did i miss something?" colby asks he seems a bit jealous

"nah just when i was about thirteen ish corey and i were running down the stairs and he 'accidentally' pushed me and i broke my wrist."

"it was an accident!" corey says trying to keep his innocence.

"yeah whateva keep tellin ya self what ya wanna hear" i sassily say whipping my hair in his face. he playfully rolls his eyes.

a/n yes i know short chapter whoops. um also sorry last chapter i didn't mean for it to end so weirdly. it was getting kinda long and i didn't really mean to put so much mushy gooshy lol

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