Family of War

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*Dedicated to my Battle Brother, never give up hope, even if your mind is telling you to*

727 could hear the sound of heavy footsteps as he woke up, he wasnt in the Pelican, no, he was in a forest, in a bush to be specific. 

"Where is your leader!" A elites voice called out, 727's crawled to his knees, seeing over the top of the bush. 

"Burn in hell." Yin called. The elite roared, picking him off the ground and smashing him back in. 

727 would have yelled, but he was pulled down. 

"Shh, sorry sir, but there's too many of them out there, I cant let you do that." Jumpers voice said, together, they watched as the twins were interrogated. 

"ENOUGH! their rescue will be here soon, we must leave, take the filth with us, they hold information we seek." A rebel Zealot ordered, 727 wished he had a rifle on him, he would kill them all. His eyes were filled with hate as he watched them load the now unconscious Yin and Yang into their ships, and fly off. 

"Patrol out! Find them!" A Elite called, 727 felt an intense hate build, and he slipped out of Jumpers grasp, pulling out his knife and assassinating the Elite before he could yell, he killed the six or seven other rebel troops, they all died without a word. A Elite suddenly jumped out of nowhere, clearly had being cloaked. 

"Surrender! You have no-" Jumper jumped onto the Elite, ripping off one of the jaws and stabbing the elite with its own jaw. He stepped off the elite. 

"Never let a brother fight alone." Jumper said to the dead elite, he stood up. 

"Come on,Boom ran off this way." Jumper said, tossing a storm rifle to 727. 

727 caught it, and smiled. "Just like old times." 727 said.

"The Saving Booms ass part or the being outnumbered a thousand to one?" Jumper asked, turning back.

"Both, now come on, lets double time." 727 said, running in the direction Jumper motioned too. 

"Radio's weak but on." Jumper advised, 727 nodded. 

"Any Black Spartans read me? This is Ghost, if you can hear me, give me your location." 727 radioed.

Three flares were sent into the sky one after another. 

"Three flares, Ones missing." 727 nodded, running towards the nearest one.


"BRING IT ON MOTHER FUCKERS! I GOT A BULLET FOR EACH OF YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" A loud voice came, and with it, gunfire. 

"Found Boom." Jumper laughed. 

"AND TAKE SOME OF THIS! WOO-HOO!" Another voice called in, seconds before the sound of a few dozen explosives rocked the trees. 

"Patches? I didnt expect him to be here." 727 laughed, they ran forward, over a ridge, and finding the massive amount of rebel troops the two had attracted.  727 ran down the other side of the ridge, gunning down a good two dozen rebels before he reached the bottom. Then he shredded the rest, Boom and Patches pushed forward, moving beside 727. All until there were no more rebels within a good mile. 

Boom turned back, and 727 could feel his smile from here. "You finally showed up? Jeez, I had to do so much work to get you here." Boom joked. 727 laughed,walking forward and embracing his commanding officer. Then embracing Jumper. 

"Good to see you made it Jumper, I had to sub Patches in while you were gone." He laughed, motioning to Patches. 

"And here I thought we were just starting out a new partnership, I guess I will have to stick with Cat." Patches sighed, walking forward. 

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