Chp. 1- Percy!?

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Disclaimer for the whole book:
Everything belongs to the wonderful Rick Riordan. The author who slowly kills me. Oh and Marvel owns stuff too. I own nothing but the plot and my OCs


Chp. 1- Percy!?

3rd Person POV

Annabeth sits with her head on her ex-fiancé's stomach listening to his slow breathing. After two weeks he still hasn't woken. According to Apollo the only thing wrong with him currently is he isn't waking. Everything else has returned to normal.

Though everyone. Everyone. Is getting restless. Though Perseus Jackson continues to slumber on.

Annabeth feels a hand on her shoulder to looks up and find Piper.

"There's a meeting," she says softly to her heart broken friend. Annabeth slowly rises to her feet. She takes a quick look at Percy- as if afraid he might leave and leaves with her friend.

The two walk in silence toward the throne room. Annabeth after a moment speaks.

"I'm sorry," Though her words seem more directed to herself.

"He'll be fine. He always is," Piper says a hint of charmspeak in her voice. Annabeth doesn't detect the charmspeak like she usually does and simply nods in reply. The two arrive in the throne room. Once everyone is settled the meeting begins. Athena is the one who speaks.

"I know Perseus is yet to waken, though we cannot afford to pause in preparing for the coming war."

The others agree and strategies are thrown back and forth. Though it is hard to do without knowing when or where their enemy shall attack.

After much arguing- what do you expect from the Olympians- the meeting ends with little success. Annabeth slowly trudges back to the infirmary with Thalia in tow. Upon entering the room and gazing on Percy's bed she screams. Her scream rattles Olympus. She breaks down and begins to sob into Thalia's shoulder.

"Percy!?" She cries repeatedly waiting for an answer she's sure she'll never get.

Soon others gather. They all stare at the bed in disbelief. Poseidon has silent tears running down his face. The only sounds are Annabeth's sobs and Thalia's useless attempts to calm her.



I decided to post the chapter though I haven't watched the movie yet. I'm gonna be generous cuz in going on vacation then I have school so... Yeah. Read on!

Thanks to @Greenninjagal for the title idea!


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