Chapter Five

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Erza looked up as she heard her name called.

There she saw a somewhat awkward Minerva standing.

"May I speak with you?" She asked.

Erza nodded and frowned as she stood. She had thought the two of them had gotten closer after their conversations on the Lacroma, but this seemed so formal.

Erza was led into an empty side room and felt slightly nervous.

"Erza, I need to talk to you about something."

"That was implied when you brought me to an empty room."

Minerva smiled just slightly at Erza's attempt to lighten the mood.

"I think there's something weird happening to me, and I saw you acting exactly like I was."

Erza raised an eyebrow at the sentence.

"And how would that be?" She asked.

Minerva took a deep breath and let it out before she spoke, it was as if she was gathering her courage.

"You keep staring at Lucy and being mindful of what she's doing. I keep finding myself looking at my best friend in such a way as well."

Erza's eyebrows shot up as she looked at Minerva in front of her.

"And who might this person be?" She asked, trying to sound casual as she did so.


Erza tried to not grin or smirk, but it was truly difficult.

"So what do you think it means?" Minerva was surprised that Erza had said it.

"Well... I suppose it means that we are becoming better friends."

Now Erza was smiling, and broadly too.

"What?" Minerva asked, confused.

"Lucy and I are not friends."

Minerva looked confused.

Erza hadn't really expected her to understand.

"She's my girlfriend."

Minerva had the same expression for a moment before her eyes widened and her jaw dropped open.


Erza nodded at her.

"So, do you like Yukino?" Erza asked with a fake casualness.

Minerva was still staring at Erza.

"She's my friend..."

Erza continued to smile calmly at her.

"Friends don't watch each other like I watch Lucy, Minerva." She said.

Erza was right. The way the redhead watched the blonde was with a mixture of worry and love that friends didn't showcase upon looking at the other. They just didn't.

Minerva looked back at Erza, gaping.

"So, let me ask again. Do you, Minerva, like Yukino?"

Minerva was blushing deeply as she looked at Erza.

"You're dating Lucy?"

Most people would have thought it off topic, but Erza understood. She was worried that it was, for some reason, wrong for her to like Yukino.


Minerva looked a little worried still, but she nodded.

Erza pretended she didn't know what the girl was nodding about. It was easy to fake not understanding when you didn't understand most emotional things.

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