Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: I'm so sorry but school is being a... FEMALE DOG and I am trying to NOT FAIL and pull my all A's out of this grading period (which is almost over) and I will try to update more, but please bear (🐻) with my crap.

Also, I got tagged for something and so I'm doing that now.

I'm supposed to say ten things about myself, tell two jokes, and tag some people (28, but let's be honest. I'm about as social on here as I am in real life... so not very much). Let's do this. (Btw I was tagged by @silverwingsofmetal)

You guys probably don't want to know all this, so if you want to skip the story is right below! (I'm kind of BORING to some people so...)

1) I'm fifteen
2) I'm a girl (shocker)
3) I'm a science dork
4) I want to be a scientist when I grow up, but writing is a fun passion and I'm going to do my own original story one day (probably after this, I'm already work shopping it).
5) Despite what I write, I do like guys. I just love the angst. I might like girls (but I'm about 95% sure I don't).
6) I play a sport (secret, sorry)
7) I'm trying to not be depressed with all the crap school is pulling on me.
8) I'm what people would call a 'grammar nazi' (but if someone said that I would go on a fifteen minute nerdy ran about how it is offensive and historically inaccurate).
9) I'm a nerd.
10) If you can't tell by my age, I'm a freshman in high school.


1) I want to be adenine so I can pair with U (uracil). (this is a science dork pun about biology and the genetic code, so if you don't understand, sorry).
2) Why should you never trust an atom? Because they make up everything!

Minerva slammed against Laxus and the man let out a surprised grunt.

Minerva, for a moment, considered doing what she had to Erza when she had been trying to remove the world of magic.


She didn't even have to think about that for more than a millisecond before she knew she couldn't.

It would be wrong and she couldn't do it.

She wouldn't call herself the most moral person in the world (not by a long shot) but she was trying to be different.

She instead used more minor attacks, still surprising Laxus considering he had searched the entire arena for her.

The entire arena, that is, except for the Celestial Spirits.

Freed was just as shocked as Laxus and Minerva took that to her advantage, attacking bother the Fairy Tail members at once.

Yukino used this chance to zone in on the two with Pisces and allow the mother and daughter to attack the men.

The two Mages cursed (well, Laxus cursed loud enough for the both of them) before trying to defend themselves from the surprising attack.

Laxus shot a huge bolt of lightning, perhaps it was truly two bolts that were sent as one, at Minerva.

Yukino sent Pisces over and Minerva vaulted on top the Celestial Spirit, avoiding the lightning bolt(s) that Laxus had sent yet again.

She gave him a smug smirk as she looked around.

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