Chapter Sixteen

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I didn't tell you guys, but I'm going to every other day updates now that I'm back to school! Sorry!

What could the code be? Lucy sighed at the thought.

Deep within the kingdom, lies a treasure deep. To get the treasure from its case, you must crack this case. All you need this time is within this rhyme.

She read her slightly slanted handwriting in her notepad.

That means it has to be in here... does it spell something out? Dwtklatd?! Tgttficymctc?! Aynttiwtr?! No, definitely not. Syllables? That's too many digits... Numbers per sen-THAT MUST BE IT!

Lucy heard footsteps in the distance and fumbled with the lock.

Deep within the kingdom, lies a treasure deep...


To get the treasure from its case, you must crack this case.


All you need this time is within this rhyme.


She put the numbers in one at a time and almost dropped the lock several times.

She kept looking up to see who was coming up.

It was Eve.

He must have figured out the first sentence.

Lucy pulled out what was in the treasure chest and smiled.

It was a...


On the side it read:

One free ticket to first place.

Lucy grinned and snatched onto the ticket and thrusted it into the air with more than a bit of smugness.

There was deafening cheering within the stadium.

"I did it." She whispered quietly.

Virgo and Aries looked around and the former got a frustrated look on her face as she glanced around the stadium, annoyed with the loud cheering.

Aries was too busy blushing deeply from what Virgo had said a minute ago.

It wasn't just Mating Season for people, but for many Spirits.

Aquarius and Scorpio hadn't been spotted for days.

Aries has expected hers to be Loke...

But that's not who she'd felt those little flutterings in her stomach towards.

That had been a certain pink-haired Maiden.

And now she was quite certain that it was her.

It was hard to concentrate with Virgo standing less that a foot away from her.

She knew she should have been more helpful when Lucy summoned her, but Virgo's constant comments made it difficult for her.

Especially considering the fact that she hadn't expected Virgo to actually be funny.

She found herself blushing as she looked back at the slightly taller Celestial Spirit.

Lucy glanced at her Spirits before rolling her eyes.

She grabbed onto each of the girl's arms before tugging them along towards the competitors' exit.

When the three exited, Lucy gave them both a long look.

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