9| Helplessness

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Heya! How are you okay your well being doesn't matter to me as I already said. You humans do not belong to humanity at all you deserve no appreciatience because you are the biggest hypocrites I have ever seen by the way I am doing great just trying to fix a meeting with 'Devil' yep the notorious 'satan' humans who have religious belief often say that whatever wrong they do is due to 'Satan' I want to know what Satan would like to say about it. Anyway till I get to fix a meeting with him we have this part of the story more tragic and emotional. The title of this chapter marks, 'Helplessness' so we have a third 'H' in a row the previous two 'H's' were 'Hello Society' and 'Humanity is alive'

Let's begin this chapter with this poem,

Take me to a place where,

Sparrows sing at night and,

the wolves howl in the morning

Take me to a place where,

Nobody would know me

but everyone would understand me

Take me to a place where,

Society would talk about my good

and they wouldn't speak of my worst

Take me to a place where,

words I speak are understandable

and my silence is not judged

Take me to a place where,

I would not feel lonely among many

and my people would be mine forever

Take me to a place where,

my soul can easily relate itself

and I can easily settle the chaos inside

Take me to a place where,

It would be all about beginnings, no ends

and death would not sound more peaceful

Take me to a place where, 

Tears are acceptable as much as smiles

and people would love me for being me

Take me to a place where...

Take me to a Place where//Akasious


Day One

March, 2019

"Hi!" says Aron David, "Mmm! I wanna talk to you" he adds getting no response from the otherside.

"I am not your property" replies Aali from the other side of the bars. He is sitting on the floor encircling his arms around his legs.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you" says Aron standing on the other side of the bars.

"You can't hurt me because I don't feel anything on my skin anymore" says Aali reluctantly.

"Look! Please I need your help" Aron whispers this time feeling heavy footsteps coming towards him.

"Aron are you done with your assignment? Is this chap cooperating with you?" Asks David coming near to his son.

"No dad I am not done yet but yeah he is very cooperative" Aron lies. He doesn't respect his father he only fears him.

"Good! Otherwise we can bring him to cooperation if there is any resistance" says David with all the negativity and hate welled up inside him.

"No, I mean no dad, no need to do anything he is a good guy" says Aron defending Aali.

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