10| Naked Curtains

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Masking their infidelity everyday
They think they deserve the title of 'saints'

Living in their self made miseries
They think they deserve sympathies

Lying everyday for hiding previous lies
They think, they deserve accolades for truth

Cursing life everyday out of ungratefulness
They think life should love them back

Hiding behind the naked curtains
They think they camouflaged their sins

Naked curtains // Akasious

So, what do you feel about this poem? Oh! I am too tired to greet you so never mind okay?

Anyway I love this poem very much. Look! What a term is that 'naked curtains'. Curtains are supposed to camouflage whatever goes behind them but what if the curtains are too naked to camouflage you? Would they help in hiding you behind? No, they won't. So if you are hiding behind a naked curtain just come out. I have much more to offer you.

Just as Galip he tried to hide his sins behind a naked curtain called 'suicide'. It was the worst kind of suicide I have ever witnessed but sadly humans like him never know that ending 'me' up is never an option. Anyway Galip's chapter is close now.

I don't like anything about him but his, 'will' that he handed over to his men before comitting suicide is something I'd consider among few of the good deeds he ever did.


Ankara, Turkey

April, 2019

She pushes the 'off' button on the remote with her trembling hands. How many more exams life has to take? She feels broken. She looks left and right to see where is Adham? He is not supposed to see what she saw. He is in his room. Probably writing to his Ammo, she thinks.

A man named Asad Ameer was speaking in a recorded video on television. It took her a while to recognize him. This was the man where her entire universe used to revolve around and now it was hard for her to even recognize him because the words he was saying didn't seem to be his own. He was confessing in that recording that he killed his brother on purpose and that he is guilty of doing that but he was afraid. So, he considered doing so. It was the only option.

Something, may be it was fear, or a wave of pain, or an undefined feeling that passed through her as she saw Asad on screen and she feels lifeless. With bare feet and helplessness overloaded she goes into the room where Adham is sitting. She glances at him while he instantly folds a paper and hids it in his journal. He thinks that his mother knows nothing but she reads all of his journals, his letters. After all Adham is all she has why would she not keep an eye what his son is upto these days. She is a really good mother I have to say.


March 2034

Ankara, Turkey

She is standing there on the podium. Mic, podium and she are the beautiful trio made for each other. She is delivering a speech on 'women rights'. This was the hardest topic for her to speak at. No one knew the associated feelings and personal experiences affiliated with that topic. She keeps the constant smile on her lips, her hands contantly moving to accompany her words, her voice raises and lowers constantly touching ups and downs she concludes saying,

"If world still needs to decide what it has for women deprived of basic rights, then it's probably too late. World should stop thinking and oh! May I remind you that you are the world. Ain't you?" she gives a gentle smile while the audience raises hands to give a round of applause and she leaves the podium.

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