11| Not afraid

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Hey! I am back. You might be like. Long time no see? Actually I had a lot to figure out so I was out of the scene but now as I am back you can enjoy or even cry as indeed this is an upsetting story.

Day Three

March, 2019

His voice is touching the sky. He is being subjected to electric shocks again. He has been beaten a lot before. The torture is both physical and mental. This torture is not working for Asad but, it is working for Aali atleast.

“How about doing this worst to your nephew” says David.

No replies by Aali but this is too much now.

“Okay not any of this but how about killing him and his amazing mother right in the house? It won’t be painful trust me” he again adds

Now Aali is feeling devastated. If they are saying they can do anything he thinks.

“Isn’t it better you consider dying for them? All you have to do is to convince your brother” says David.

“A-nd w-ha-t ifff you sti-ll hur- (t) -em?” Aali struggles to speak while asking.

“Okay lets make a deal we would send them to some safe place. To Turkey may be” Adds David dragging his chair near to Aali and sitting near him.

“A-n-d wh-y wo-uld y-ou doo tha-t?” again Aali asks.

“Because we know to live upto our words” says David.

Aali spits on the ground and says “Loo-k thissss is m-y lev-ell offff trus-t on youu”

David clenches his mouth. His grip is so hard as if his fist would crush his facial bones at once. It hurts. “I’d make you trust me” adds David and stands up to leave while motioning towards an army man to continue the torture. Aali’s voice is again touching the sky.

“stop it” says Aron as he enters Aali’s cell.

The man on duty looks at Aron and replies “but it’s order”

Aron again motions the guy to go away and to keep his mouth shut by showing some money.

Now Aron and Aali are alone in the cell.

“You okay” Aron goes near him immediately.

Aali nods slightly.

“I am sorry to see this happening to you helplessly. I can’t do anything believe me” says Aron.

“N-o” Aali almost whispers.

“What? Did you say something?” asks Aron looking at Aali who is almost lying on the ground now.

“N-o you ca-n do” Aali again struggles to utter few words.

“Do what?” Asks Aron

“H-elp” says Aali

“Aali dear good friend seriously there is nothing I can do for you. Otherwise I’d have helped you already” says Aron.

“You ca-n ki-ll meee” says Aali

“what? Noooo. How come I?” says Aron in disbelief.

“I ha-ve pla-n” says Aali.

“I want you to live Aali. I dont want you to plan your death. Look this will over soon. Good days will come. All you have to do is to live.” says Aron like a good friend.

“L-isten the pla-n” adds Aali regardless of whatever Aron said.

“Go on. I am not interested in any plan that leads to your death though” says Aron. Look Aron is a good guy he values me but Aali is being pessimistic. Okay I have been hard on him but still I wish he had behaved like Asad.

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