How you met them (Blue Team PT1)

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Master Chief/John-117

You were reading over a data pad given to you by Captain Lasky. As his aid you were to help him organize reports and help with anything he needed such as strategies or preparing him for a meeting. He did his best to make the work fair and that you weren't swamped. Which was why you thought he was such a good Captain. When you worked for Del Rio, you could barely keep up with all the work he was dumping on you. But ever since Lasky became Captain, your life looked a little brighter. As you were reading the data pad, you weren't paying attention to where you were heading. Because of that you bumped into what felt like a wall. You fell backward and on your ass. You groaned a little rubbing your tail bone. What did you bump into you? It felt like a wall.

"Are you okay?" Asked a baritone voice that mean you nervous. You see an armored hand reaching out to help pull you back up. You smile shyly taking the hand getting pulled up.

"I'm fine. Sorry about that." You look at your feet embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it." He said. You look up at the person you bumped into and your face begins to heat. Of all the people you could have bumped into you bumped into THE Spartan. Master Chief, the savior of Humanity. God this was so embarrassing. And Lasky was expecting you in a few minutes too.

"Are you okay?" He asked again worried that he might have hurt you somehow. Given how bulky his armor was he felt that it might have left a bruise for something like that when you bumped into him.

"Yes. E-Excuse me." You go make your escape. You definitely didn't not need this today. Chief watched you leave confused by your behavior. Was he that intimidating? He tried his best not to come off intimidating when talking to someone. He looked at the clock seeing that he was late for training with his team and took a look at the way you went seeing your (h/l) (h/c) disappear. Chief had a feeling that you both would meet again. But until then he would have listen to Kelly rant about him being late. Yay, him!


If there was one thing you hated about being the Captain's aid was attending meets that frankly didn't have anything to do with you. Thankfully this time Lasky was able to get you out of the meeting by having a boat ton of "important work" for you to do. And some of it was important but most of it actually wasn't. Right you were checking the ship's logs for anything out of place for needed to be refiled. You were also scheduling times for Fire Teams to take part in the War Games and had an update for the War Games simulator scheduled sometime today. You were trying to have the update happen sometime in the evening because of how many Spartans had signed up to use the simulator. You walked into the track reading over the data pad while looking for someone who was supposed to be here. It was Kean your best friend. She had a thing for Captain Lasky and was jealous because you worked for him as his aid.

"Kean?" You looked around not a white-haired woman in sight. You did notice a woman with brown hair running around on the track. Maybe she had seen Kean, after all the woman you saw was a Spartan. You walked over and flagged the Spartan down. The Spartan recognized you as the Captain's aid and ran right over. Why are Spartans so tall? But you had to admit for a Spartan this one was pretty.

"Need something?"

"I was just wondering if you had seen a woman, Spartan like you, short, white hair, one green eye and one blue eye?" You gave a succinct description of Kean hoping that would be enough. You felt a little awkward asking for help because normally you would take it upon yourself to get things done. You have had unpleasant experience with being in a group and people not doing their tasks.

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