How you met them again (Osiris PT2)

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Jameson Locke

Lasky had asked you to work alongside a ONI officer that was kind of rude. The ONI officer was one of the high-ranking ones, so this was very important. Lasky had meetings to attend with Admiral Hood so he asked you to work with the ONI officer. And when you meet this ONI officer, working for him was the better term then working along side him. You were finally able to get a break from the ONI officer and was heading to the mess hall to meet with Kean. As you walked you where mumbling to yourself about the ONI Officer when you noticed the ONI Officer talking to Spartan Locke. Was he complaining about you? You knew that Spartan Locke was a former ONI agent. The way the two talked was more like them being friends. Locke noticed you out of the corner of his eye. So, does the ONI Officer. The ONI Officer flags you down making you walk over to them.

"Something you need?" You ask trying to hide the irritation.

"I was just telling Jameson about us working together."

"I was unaware you both knew one another." You say.

"We've known one another after the Covenant Bio Weapon accident." Said the ONI Officer.

"I see. Well I need to get going." You say not wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"Oh, come on, just stay for a little bit." Said the ONI Officer.

"Mace, she is the Captain's aid." Locke stepped in. "She has a lot to do."

"I'm sure she can spare a little time."

"Actually, I can't. Now excuse me but I really must get going." You made your escape. "See you around Spartan Locke." You bid him a good bye.

*She's strong willed* Thought Locke watching you leave. Mace begins to grumble and mumble something about you. Locke gives a Mace a look that shuts him up.

Holly Tanaka

You wanted to check up on engineering department because of an accident that happened a few days ago. The accident was taken care off but Lasky didn't want the same thing to happen again. Neither did you. You spoke with all the leading engineers making sure that nothing would go wrong causing another accident. The leading engineers understood completely and agreed to give you a weekly report on how things where doing. Hopefully this would make Lasky's life easier. After talking with another engineer, you noticed Tanaka having a small argument with another engineer. You sigh excusing yourself from one you were talking with and went to end the quarrel.

"Excuse me," you clear your throat, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course, there is a fucking problem." Said the engineer. "Spartan Tanaka isn't complying to any of our requests."

"Is that true?" You asked shocked.

"Of course, it's not. I am complying to the best of my ability, but they keep having me do all sorts of the other things that they can obviously do themselves." Tanaka explains very irritated. Irritated Spartans where never good.

"Go take a break Spartan. You'll have to manage without her until she is ready to get back to work here understand?"

"Yes ma'am." The engineer mumbles leaving. Tanaka thanks you before leaving herself. You smile to yourself realizing how well you handled that. After letting yourself enjoy the moment of being able to calm down an irritated Spartan to head back to the Bridge.

Olympia Vale

Roland was getting an update today. And boy was he scared. He was freaking out about them accidently killing him. You had reassured him that nothing like that would happen. But he was still freaking out. Lasky was able to come today which helped calming the AI down. The updates that Roland would get often happened in Intelligence so that's where you were. Talking with Lasky about some matter involving the ship you noticed Spartan Vale. Lasky noticed her too and flagged her down. She came over saluting as he told her to relax.

"What brings you both to Intelligence?" She asked.

"Roland." You and Lasky course. Vale gives a chuckle before looking to see Roland trying to do everything he can to stop the people from giving him the update. You sigh and go to calm down Roland. Which leaves Lasky and Vale alone and they talk about something. You are able to distract him long enough for the update to go through. After that Roland immediately makes his escape making you, Lasky, and Vale laugh because of what he said.

"FREEDOM!" Roland shouts before heading back to the bridge. Lasky claps a little as you shake your head. Lasky goes back up to the bridge.

"How has your day been?" You look at Vale.

"Great after watching Roland." Vale answered.

"No one in Intelligence making things difficult?"

She shook her head. "No. Not yet anyway."

"Good to hear. I should get going. Nice chat Vale." You turn to leave.

Edward Buck

You and Kean where walking down the halls talking about your interesting past. Kean liked asking about it because it was when you were in your late teens to early adulthood. You were having a lot of trouble at home and with your old friend Camila you became illegal street racers. Kean loved asking about it because you sounded like a bad ass. And you were back in those days. You and Camila where called the "Racing She-Devils", your racing codenames where Fury and Spark. You were called Fury because of the anger you were trapped in and Camila was called Spark because she was always the spark that sent things off. You both won every illegal race you took part in. But all that stopped after Camila died in an accident trying to escape the cops. After that you left the street racing life. However, you remained in touch with Jimmy who kept your car, Inferno. A 1970s Charger. It was very old car, but you had one very race with it. Its colors where black with white strips on it. Jimmy even still had Camila's car, Tigress. It was 2001 Honda that was done in several shades of gold.  

"Please tell me more." She asked.

"No. I don't like talking about it." You snapped.

"Talk about what?" A voice startled the both of you. You looked to see Spartan Buck.

"Hello Spartan Buck." You greet.

"Yeah there (l/n)." He smiled. Kean looks at you, smiling before excusing herself.

"How have you been?" You ask him.

"Good. Was thinking about heading to the shooting range to blow off some steam."

"Have fun." You smile at him.

Buck watches you leave still wondering about what you and Kean where talking about. *I wonder...* He thought to himself heading somewhere but the shooting range. 

A/N: Yes, I am making you a former street racer like from Fast and Furious! If you don't like that then you need to at least watch the first movie. It's on Netflix! Anyway I hope you all enjoyed! 

P.S: For any confusion, Jimmy had moved from you colony long before it was glassed. He now lives on Gao in the Cordoba System

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