How you met them (Osiris PT1)

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With your (h/c) hair in a mess you were heading back to your room. Harry thought it be funny to ruffle you up a little. You couldn't tell Lasky about it. didn't want to start unnecessary drama and you were scared of Harry. As you walked down the hall toward you room you nearly bumped into a Spartan.

"Sorry miss." He said steadying you.

"It's okay." You said tiredly with a kind smile on your lips.

"Are you okay (l/n)?" He asked. You looked at him for a moment. He was dark skinned and had brown eyes.

"I'm okay Spartan. Thanks for asking." You continue to smile. The Spartan sees throw your smile and looks at you seeing your suit had a tear in it.

"Where did you get that?" He asks pointing to the tear. You look at it wide eyed.

"You have got to be Fu—," you took a deep breath before continuing. Damnit Harry! "Sorry about that. Looks like I'll have to stitch up tonight." You said the second sentence more to yourself. Today was so your day. Kean was probably going to freak out about it.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. Might have caught it on something?" You actually weren't sure at all. Harry could have done it more it might have happened way before. Anything was possible. You blushed because the tear was wide enough to show off you (s/c) skin.

"It's barely noticeable." He said seeing how you went to cover it up. "And covering it like that make give off the idea that you got hurt."

"Right. Thanks for pointing it out before it got worse." You thank him already having 'what if' scenarios of if he hadn't noticed it. Possible disaster avoided. After thanking Jameson one last time you bid him a good night and walk off to your room.

Holly Tanaka

Walking to the engineering department per Lasky's request. He asked you to check up on things there while he attended to important matters. Meeting with Admiral Hood. As you spoke with the leading engineers you noticed Kean talking to another Spartan. You knew the Spartan. That was Holly Tanaka survivor of Minab. A UNSC colony that was glassed during the Human Covenant War. You envied her. Your homeworld Whalen 10 was glassed and lot of people you knew didn't survive. Your family had luckily moved the month before. They moved to Earth because of your grandparents. As you got signatures from the leading engineers for supplies that they needed you walked over to Kean.

"Kean!" You wave at her.

"Oh (y/n)! I didn't know you where here."

"Captain sent me to deal with matters here."

"You both sound busy." Commented Tanaka. "Holly Tanaka." She introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you Spartan Tanaka. I am (y/n) (l/n) Captain Lasky's aid." You two shake hands. Tanaka, Kean, and you started talking about something. You then noticed the time and looked at your data pad. Kean's team was scheduled for the War Games in a few minutes.

"Um... Kean." You ask giggling.


"Didn't you schedule you and your fire team to have an hour in the War Games?" You point at the proof on your data pad. Kean makes the classical 'Oh shit!' face before darting out. You and Tanaka laugh before your data pad reminds you about heading to Lasky's office to help with anything he might need.

"Have to go?" Tanaka asks.

"Sadly." You give a sweet smile. "See you around Tanaka." You head out waving to her.

Olympia Vale

Today you were working in Intelligence trying to figure out a problem that wasn't making Lasky's life easier. The problem was that a lot of people in Intelligence where slacking off on their work. You told Lasky that you would take care of it knowing if Commander Palmer found out it probably wouldn't end well. So far you had been able to civilly approach half of the people that had been slacking by threating them that if they didn't do what they needed to get done, you would have Commander Palmer come down. It worked because a lot of people were scared of Spartans in general. You were on your way to talk with another person when you saw them in an argument with a Spartan. You gave that person credit for attempting to argue with a Spartan. This person was about to get fucked up in a few minutes from what it looked like. Not wanting the Spartan to get in trouble you quickly broken them up and asked what was going on.

"This woman won't let me use the translator." Said the man.

"I am still updating it for you like you asked." She defended that was when you realized the Spartan was Olympia Vale. The first human to learn and fluently speak Sangheili.

"Okay enough both of you. You should have come to her earlier when you wanted the translator updated. Because you obviously forgot that updating a translator takes time." You reason with the man. He grumbles making you sigh and hold the bridge of your nose. "And another thing. You are behind in you reports. May I ask why?"

"Because I have other things going on." He said.

"I can understand that, but Captain Lasky needs those reports or he might as well fire you. Oh, and another thing, be glad he sent me because next time he will send Commander Palmer." You say annoyed.

"Pff. She doesn't scare me."

"I'll make sure she knows that." You say hearing Vale struggle down a laugh. The man gives you a dirty look as you only roll your eyes. "Now excuse me I have other matters to attend to. Spartan Vale when you get the chance your team is looking for you." You say looking at a notification on your data-pad.

"Thank you. Now excuse me, I need to finish updating the translator." You both leave the man to vent his frustrations by himself as you look at Vale and give her a smile. She smiles back before you go out of sight.

Edward Buck

You were sitting the mess hall waiting for Kean to show up. But she wasn't there like normal. You had a wired thought that she and Lasky where actually together. But then again Lasky never came to you about certain things pretraining to Kean. You ate alone reading a book when someone tapped you shoulder. You turn about to scold who you thought was Kean. Luckily enough for you your mouth didn't open right away. You looked to see a man with brown hair and blue eyes. Hottie alert!

"Mind if I join you?"

"Uh—sure." You breathe. He laughs smiling as he takes a seat right next to you. "W-What's your name?" You ask.

"Edward Buck." He said. "Your name?"

"(y/n) (l/n)."

"So, your Captain Lasky's aid. Heard you where cute."

"Am I not?"

"Nope. Cuter then I was thinking." He said making you choke a little on your food.

"Sure, know how to flirt with a girl." You comment trying to sound irritated.

"Sorry, just how I try to start a conversation with girls. I blame my dad. He was my mentor growing up." Buck laughs. "So why is a girl like you sitting alone?"

"My friend was supposed to eat with me but like normal she is going to be late." You shrug getting Buck to laugh.

"That reminds me of Mickey." Buck sighed.

"Mickey?" You ask.

"It was his nickname. His actual name was Michael Crespo."

"The Traitor Spartan Crespo?" You ask in shock.

"Yeah. I knew him since before we became Spartans." Buck explains. You make a O sound before going back to eating. You finish and thank Buck for sitting with you and as much as you wanted to stay and talk you needed to get back to work and figure out where the hell your friend had gone off to. Buck completely understood letting you leave as he watched with a smile. You really were cute. He was being honest about that.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the Osiris scenarios. More are coming soon!

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