How you met them again (Blue Team PT2)

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Master Chief/John-117

Once again you had your nose in your data-pad reading over all sorts of important things. You were heading to meet up with Kean to do something fun. Lasky had given you the rest of the day off because of all the work you had been doing for him. Roland always cracked the joke that you were too good to be his aid. Speaking of Roland, you where his best friend. You made sure Roland always got his updates and would stay with him because he was scared of the people that gave him the updates. He tried to convince you on multiple occasions to take shore leave. But you refused. It's not that you didn't trust Lasky to get the work done. But you know the poor man would be swamped with things to do if you left on shore leave. You were also secretly doing your job though Lasky had to order you to take the rest of the day off. As you walked down the hall you failed to notice that you walked by a certain Spartan. The Spartan noticed you were about to crash into wall and the Spartan yanked your arm.

"The hell!?" You demanded. The next thing you knew was that you where face to face with the Master Chief. "Oh! Hello Chief." You smiled hoping it would hide your blush.

"(l/n)." He greeted. "You need to stop reading that data pad when your walking." He said.

"Sorry old habits." You give him a shy shrug. "Where are you off today?"

"Hoping to run into you."


"The War Games are closed today. I was wondering why."

"They had a mandatory maintenance set up for today. I had Roland send all Spartans and ODST the notice. You didn't get yours?"

"No ma'am." He said.

"That's weird. Sorry about that. I'll ask Roland about that." You said.

"Thank you." He said.

"Anytime. Is there anything else I should know before I get going?"

"Keep your eyes on where you're going." He said.

You laughed. "And here I was lead to believe that Spartan 2s didn't know how to joke."

*That wasn't a joke* He thought as you waved goodbye. He sighed watching you leave. He walked down the way you were going having to tell his team why they couldn't use the War Games. And knowing Kelly she was going to tease him about talking with you.


You were walking with Kean to the track to meet up with the rest of her team. They asked you to escort her because Kean had a habit of getting distracted easily. Just today she was talking about something but then stopped to look at a flower that someone was testing and started asking about it. you had to literary drag her away saying that she was going to be late.

"Oh, come on just for a few minutes!" Kean pleaded.



"No, and look we are already here." You pointed to the track. Kean sighed and mumbled something really wanting to see that planet again. You laugh letting her go with her team and went to walk out. You stopped seeing Harry look at you with an evil grin. Knowing he wouldn't let you leave until he got bored you chose to stay a little. Kean sent warning glances at Harry who smirked at them. You talked with some of the Spartans on Kean's team before taking the chance to make an escape. You had almost succeeded if Kean hadn't shouted bye at you. You shy waved good bye and speed walked out of the room. You could hear Harry call out to you. He followed you saying you were a whore and a punch of other things. While walking you noticed Kelly talking with another Spartan. You knew that would probably kill you, but you needed help. As you went to walk in her direction Harry saw this and rushed to stop you. Throwing you to the ground you yelped in surprise and fear. It caught Kelly and the other Spartan's attention quickly. Kelly felt her body tense seeing Harry stand above you with a smirk as he said some very interesting words as he pulled you to his feet.

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